Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Switzerland wouldn’t even need a army in the first place. There is noone next to them which is hostile

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I have played Japan, they’re still in a mildly better spot for Jet CAS. mildly

Better? have you seen Japans barren air tree?


Not even then, as Tranche 1 didn’t get much other than the most basic A/G weapons

You’re looking at T2 Blk.10

they just gonna reuse the vilkas chassie. Would be funny if they do this though

OOOF thats rough

why not xD, do you fear a little german top tier light?

I want another light tank with the rad 90 let the rangers wait for a bit

I mean… that didnt stop gaijin from giving the JAS39A the HMD or what ever they added

the JAS39A they used is a late variant of the 39A, not the base one.

Germany has Maverick Ds and Gs on the F-4F ICE and they have a Tornado (also a Su-22 with TV missiles, dunno how good they are tho)

Japan only has Maverick Bs (up to 6 of them, granted, but still)

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i mean basic, that did include the gbus didnt it

only the brimstones were limited to the P2E upgrade, and we gonna need to beg gajin to get those either way…

Have you used Mav Ds and Gs without a targeting pod?

Bs are far better without a Tpod not to mention the FM on the F-16 is leagues ahead of the ICE which lets you actually dodge SAMs

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Ds and Gs are still better than Bs and neither nations Marvick carriers have Tpods, so thats a moot point

The F-16 is more maneuverable, I’ll give you that, but if you know that there is a Pantsir waiting for you, I don’t think you should be spawning CAS

Japan and germany are both not good at post war planes.
It’s good that we now get ASEAN and switzerland (probably).

So fighting about that wont really help. Both nations will get help

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I’m going to repeat my question… have you USED Ds and Gs without a targeting pod? because this is not a moot point…

Even with a Tpod the 65Bs are still locked to a 5-7km range to lock onto moving targets though.

yes but you can spot targets far easier with Bs than you can with Gs and Ds because their built in camera is ass. Combined with the fact that all 3 missiles on these 2 planes require you to get in close range, the F-16 is far better at that.

I’m happy with the F-5E and the P-16 tbh

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