Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

who pissed in your cheerios this morning huh?
People have been asking for them since the A-10C & AV-8B premium gets them. They do have a use in that they should be better for sniping SPAA at standoff ranges, compared to the TV/IR guided ones.
It’s also just an addition. They’re not replacing anything lmao.


The Snail did

Awesome, thank you for the confirmation!

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On an A-10C? Unlikely. Laser guided means that you will have to continuously expose yourself until it hits.

For the AV-8B(NA) it’s a good new weapon, as it’s 11.3. But for the A-10C it will first have to get within Pantsir range to use the laser guided mav and second it would have to maintain line of sight with said pantsir to kill it. 9 out of 10 times this will likely end in a dead A-10C.

Edit: still a fun new missile, as new weaponry is always good. However this really won’t do anything to help the A-10C.

back when JDAMs were first tried years ago they were only on the F4 EJ Kai so I would assume they could carry them but fair

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so useless then when you have Gs

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With a laser you can more precisely target what you want and switch targets (especially handy if the initial target that was launched on died, very common with how slow Mavericks are). In a way maybe better damage, as you can splash the ground near a target instead, so it has less chance of getting eaten by random chance with a direct hit.

Efficiency wise, yeah basically. I would just use the IR guided ones.

Oh god what up ?

Nobody asked here if there’s another blog today!


Will it be something we haven’t seen yet ?

Is there another Dev Blog today?

Poland jump scare lol


Gaijin gave them access to those weapons because they can mount them. Technically the only gripen to be given missiles before they announced that rule would be the SAAF gripen since at launch it had AGM 65B despite never having them irl. At this point it doesn’t matter.

no superhind in this update

@magazine2 Give us a clue lol

Too busy rereading the av8b na one ❤️

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Thank god it’s not included

Is it something like a maritime patrol aircraft or submarines or maybe a cold war ship? Hydroplane? 🤨🤨🤨

Eh, Laser you can switch targets useful if whatever your targeting at dies, and at far ranges TV guided stuff locks the ground, not the vic, not really an issue for the laser guided stuff.
It’s swings and roundabouts :shrug: