Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I revised the new Dev update in hopes of finding any further MBT fixes… and again, no luck…

Only ZTZ-99A has got some fixes with its remodel.

It should be “LS-6” bomb,Gaijin gave them the wrong name XD

CV9035NL buff

  • Lower BR: 9.7
  • higher rank: VII
  • Armour buffed!
  • finally dutch/FN MAG MG’s

CV9035NL nerfs:

  • No IRST anymore
  • FAPDS and KETF seems like they won’t add it yet…

Sub tree vehicles don’t all have to go in the same line. Hungarian vehciles are in multiple lines and Swedish vehicles are in the Finnish line. There has never been a rule like that.


These bombs should be called LS-6, not PL-6


PL-6 500 is a step closer to winged KABs. 160 seconds of guidance time, looking forward to the kill montages with those!

@Smin1080p_WT Greeting again. Sorry for bothering you, but I would like to ask if there’re going to be any air vehicles for Japan this update? I know that this is a Chinese-theme update, but I would like to know if Japan will get any plane or not for this update.

Autotracker removed

There is even “LS-6” written on the bombs , but they still call it PL-6. lol

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Not for this update currently.

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That is, in fact, a bomb

OMG it’s happening i pray that we get the Me 262 HGI with it that was passed to the developers some time ago

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3000 kg


Didn’t Ta-152C also equip (or at least tested) the X-4s?

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500kg air to air missile. I’m up for that.

I Don’t know about any Ta-152C testing but i do know that it was installed on an Me 262 A1a and Fw190F-8, aswell as on a Junkers Ju 88

It’s only a loadout for the fw 190 A8 right now

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It’s looking like either the October or December update will have something of a Naval theme, with F-18s coming, new battleships for several nations, and the possibility of submarines.

Even so I still hate it