Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

An Sea fury ? Is this real

Would make sense for the begiums to be the star in the last update and the Dutch in this one.

The Sea Fury and Hawks would make me happy

Oh wow so it is real.

[Development] Su-24M: A “Suitcase” Full of Surprises - News - War Thunder @Smin1080p_WT why no mention of the gimbal gunpod? missed out on a really fun suprise

also wanna ask if this feature will be spread to the wing gunpods

an offtopic question, are vapor effects coming? the ones mentioned in the files and passed to devs?

We can’t cover everything unfortunately in many cases. So it’s best to focus on the most important aspects.

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i believe theres a typo, kh 29TE isnt thermally guided, and its gun definitely doesnt get up to 600 rps, considering its ammo is only 500, and it doesnt take less than a second to use

Advаnced what?

orion A

anyone got pics for the updated dutch air line ?

Were this all vehicles for this update or are still some left?

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Player controlled carriers and submarines would be a dream ngl.


Pray for the second swiss hunter

I posted it on the BeNeLux air tree suggestion.

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I know what kind of radar it should be, it was just a joke on the topic of “the dev blog mentions a cool and advanced radar, but on the dev server there is just a dummy”

Thanks seems odd the Sea fury isn’t in the sub line

I think all leaked vehicles we have right now + maybe more will be added either in october or december update. Makes the most sense to add all in one go. The P-16 was probably just meant to be a hype vehicle for more swiss planes but that got prevented by the leaks


So far thats all they’ve been unfortunately. I’ve even looked to try WoW but couldn’t get past the fact it looks like a crappy mobile game. The way the boats move, the way the aircraft move…just awful awful stuff. Can’t wait for WT to add playable carriers, no matter how they’ll implement it, it will be better than WoW.


Ermm gaijin

Please follow you own rules it upsets my OCD