Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Welp lmao

Only if NLOS missiles get full capability.

How would you know you have not been here 5 years. I dont think a minor argument will be remembered in 5 years.

Copy and paste isn’t an argument ether bro

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f22 is the best dogfighter

Completely irrelevant.

Well, I know that some have.

The Typhoon is, but okay.

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no doubt

Good. It was a 49 to 51 vote anyway, and a lot of people only voted no because a YouTuber told them to and people can’t have their own opinions nowadays.

It’s completely illogical to even vote no, it’s just a test. People might make the argument that it takes development time, but Gaijin had clearly already made it because they showed screenshots of how it works.

This should make it to the live server.


“Intruder alert underage in the base” hehehe

Im sorry but he is right the F22 is better.

If Poland is an official sub-TT of Germany and all Polish Vehicles go there because of one Leopards, Then Canada and Australia are official Sub-TT of Britain and the Canadian Leopard should have gone else where


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J 22 is already in the game (J stands for Hunter/fighter in Swedish). So basically J22 is a F22 anyway.

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Don’t forget New zealand and Jordan !

I mean, would that really have been that bad? ( :

Oh yep

It’d be better than bloody India.

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And Ireland lol

Nope, but the Germans kicked up one hell of a fuss over getting that specific leopard

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