Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

That was also denied for this update.

(For Russia specifically dont know about Germany or Italy/Romania)

chances are high its for Russia or Britain

Doea a event vehicle count though?

I mean… that would certainly be a curveball but i doubt it

Would be funny as hell though.

I still question how gajin justifies the leo 2a7v having worse armor then the TVM…

But going back on topic i guess.
One of the recent leopard bug reports says that the add on armor plate modelling on the 2a7v is getting fixed on the next major update.
My question is , is that the only coming patch or part of the promised new Damage Model (whixh was done quite a while ago now as well)

This should be on topic right?
Since a dev confirmed tjis to be coming next major patch

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This was an independent code issue.

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Does this include the code /fix for the PSO with the same issue?

And sad… guess we gotta wait longer

what to have fun? bring the funny jap arty with 17kg HE at top tier. apfsds will not oneshot you
want to have more fun? say: smin PZH2000 pls

Unless I’m mistaken the report was just on the 2A7. But maybe I’m confusing reports

Here’s something to give you a thing to think about at your own leisure: Leopard 2 TVM max with an L/55 back from the Turkish tank trials (created only a few years before the PSO).


Well gajin required us to make reports for eaxh vehicle seperately…

Seems like pso one had been denied on another basis but i am fairly certain its the same issue…

So we should open a new one and compare with 2a7v?

Or could you reopen it so someone takes a look in the code?

They also got the Draken before France got it’s Mirage IIIC (after probably a year of waiting), and while you get your Draken, Gaijin told us they have problem with Mirage (hence still not here at that time) because modelling a tailess delta is hard, but strangly it was not that hard for the tailess delta Draken.

Wait, why would Germany got thoses planes ? Or i misunderstood?

Thinking about Leopard 2’s isn’t something I personally consider to be leisurely, but to each their own :)

Well…how long did it take Germany to get a Sabre after the US got theirs? How long did it take for the F-4F to make it into the game after the F-4E?

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Aight, I’m scheduling you for a training cmap. Prepare to be indoctrinated, please, do not resist.



You are misunderstanding. Im saying my fellow German mains and I just need to go play other techtrees for a bit. Perhaps the French to get the Mirage 5F or the new J10 if its confirmed in the Chinese tree. Those two things are/will be the closest things in the game to Eurofighter for a while

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I read that as inebriated at first and it fits just as well.

Aside from it being very, very funny to nick everyone’s elses tech for the whole of 23 seconds, I genuinely don’t want to see a Flanker, a Rafale, and all sorts of Indian aircraft in the British tree. I mean, the Bison is a nice premium addition, but it doesn’t exactly fit in the British Tree.

Then again, it’s ironic that (subjectively, I suppose) the best 10.3 in Britain is the Indian SQN T-90.

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The issue regarding the German Leopard matter is that it wasn’t dealt with properly compared to Sweden.

Strv 122B+ = Leopard 2A7V
Strv 122B PLSS >> Leopard 2A6
Strv 122A >> Leopard 2 PSO
Leopard 2A6 > Leopard 2A5

Sweden’s 4th best tank is Germany’s 2nd best, and all other German ones are flat out worse.

There’s no reason why Germany couldn’t have got more uparmored Leopards to be on par with Sweden (TVM, 2E, 2A6EX… not to mention 2 PSO’s hull underperforming, etc), as well as the rest of the nations and their respective upgrades while we are at it (M1A2 SEPv3, Leclerc XLR, Abrams, Leclerc, Challenger and Merkava armor fixes, etc).

Anyway, that will be my only contribution to this matter, since it is off-topic and I don’t want to be hit with the ban hammer xD.


New decal of new premium ?

Kfir C.10 from Colombian not Argentine

But I don’t know Kfir C.10 from Ecuador like or unlike Colombian