Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Ah hell nah, they upgraded the Rotabuggy




How about a Rotachute




Sekrit documents have revealed this could actually carry 12x AIM-120Cs, will make a great top tier vehicle


cant use AHEAD, AHEAD is a specific rheinmetall 30mm ammunation

Sad that double devblegs only come after the teaser/devstream/devserver … hype dies down significantly.

This is offset way to the southwest
Center of Europe is in Lithuania

Gaijin, where Stipa Caproni?

my god, my sleepy eyes looked at this and saw a scar tattoo.

Do you know which pby-5 this is?

The american one, w/ no wheels.

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Thanks! Whats the chance that this is an addition equal to that of the air launched sea mines?

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ngl I don’t get why we don’t have depth charges on planes yet anyways

Like, surely they would just explode on impact or after a set fuze just the same as bombs

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This or next update? BMPT - Terminator

the Terminator will get its own update IMO, its too known and hyped at this point

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Someone say 1100mm Spike penetration?

Next year maybe

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Oh boy


No idea, it might not even come this update - the weapon that this loadout file references doesn’t have it 's own file yet. It 's equally possible at this stage that it could come as a PBY-5 exclusive, or be introduced on all aircraft currently ingame that have the historical capability to deploy depth charges.

Speaking of air launched mines, we’re still missing the AMD-1000 that 's been in the files for ages:


30-35 mm ahead, no?

I waiting gajin add JDAM other variants after update dev server new version

  • A-10C (GBU-31(V)1/B & GBU-38(V)1/B)
  • F-16D Block 40 Barak II (GBU-31(V)1/B)
  • F-14B (GBU-31(V)2/B)
  • F-15C Baz Meshupar (GBU-31(V)1/B)
  • AV-8B Night Attack (USMC) and AV-8B+ (USMC & Italian Navy) (GBU-32(V)2/B)
  • AMX A-11 (GBU-31(V)1/B & GBU-32(V)1/B)

I might want gajin add another 2nd gen & 3rd gen fighter aircraft for USA, Germany and Soviet tech tree in late october major update