Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

We could have towed decoys now the Tornado used a TRD…Phimat pods, ECM suites none of it modelled.
It is said the Foxhunter Radar can jam the Radar on the Su-27…
Will we ever get EW/ECM?


At this rate? Probably not

Not currently, as radar missile parameters have been updated 2 days ago, and now it is nearly impossible to notch them.

Feels like HARMS and other anti radiation missiles they just don’t want to add it.
Imagine the salt as Su-27 having their radar jammed.

It’s complicated (both nations claim they have the best radar in service of course), I’d wager the EX’s AESA radar is probably better in pure power, but also this also supports the F-15EX being limited to its historical 12 AMRAAM as it puts it ahead in another way over EFT. But the EFT’s radar has a 90 degree gimbal limit, which means it can notch whilst still guiding a missile or missiles via 2-datalink preventing their smaller seekers from being notched or chaffed.

Perhaps they do add the UV MAWS to the F-15EX its undecided yet though according to the aviationist, its unlikely. Either way IR and Radar MAWS provide more utility as they can track missiles that have burnt out and to longer ranges.

But again F-15EX has more missiles and perhaps the better radar.

Another good point ECM isn’t modelled, though I’d wager we see towed decoys soon enough particularly as they don’t require any specific conditions mostly, for example those on EFT can be used throughout the entire flight envelope.

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After the F-14 event I haven’t touched air battles.
That’s both good and terrible, considering the mess BOL pods are and how poor chaff is from them


HARMs and such have no place in the game unless they add better SAMs/SPAAs for all nations

We already have them in game Russia has 20 mile KH missiles
That’s essentially how HARMS would act keeping you completely out of range

That doesn’t mean we need more of that kind of CAS

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Any news regarding the Sa-8 that was supposed to come and then not?


Eh, the radar already is shit, can’t be worse

Imagine not being able to use it…

With how it goes at times? Don’t need to. It would be annoying no doubt, but not end of the world

well, you not limited
btw, sometimes Su-27 radar can selfspike his own rwr, along with mig29

guys, in the end, what happened with the Brazilian skins for the P-47 and the Gloster that were found? Are they just skins? Will they be part of an event? Are they coming as vehicles? I never really understood what that discovery was about.

Props going the same way as those Argentinian skins did

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Probably gonna be an event, like the Argentinian ones a while back

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@el_Argentino Just did a google and yea it’s their Independence day on the 7th

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