Same with the AIM-9M on the F-15Js.
The F-111F is better than the C so why are you asking for a worse aircraft ?
How far would you go though. The 111K seems to be cancelled well before things like the pave tack pod was developed and introduced, so would you give it “what if it was finished” weaponry or are you going even further into fiction with “what if it served for 10 years and if it possibly got upgraded” weaponry?
I think an Army of Australian players would like to have something to say about that!
dont jinx it!!
Just so we are clear, your primary justification is because the UK needs a bomber.
The F-111C (While being supersonic capable, since going subsonic is a no-go in Air) carries 2822.16kg of TNTe Explosive Mass
The Tornado GR.1 carries 3557.76kg with the high-drag bombs and 3269.16kg with the Mk83s.
The only thing the F-111C currently does better than the Tornado is carrying 4x 2000 pound LGBs versus the Tornado which can only do 4 1000 pounders.
Neither the US nor the UK need it on a capability basis, my point is that it would be better served as a US Squadron Vehicle to pair with the Australian Abrams for the Australian Community.
Pacifica is angry !
You’d better reread my comment again…
As it never really had any skin or camo to go by (only theoretical ones), its a bit tricky, but not an unreasonable suggestion. We will pass it on for the devs to consider.
But after all, given no real camo for the F-111K exists, its not to hard in game already with a couple of decals to satisfy your RAF needs :)
For the 2a4 can yeah, but there is an actual reason for the Australian AIM to be in the US tree
Gaijin doesn’t put prem squadron and event at the top BR. By using an export Abrams with worse round and armor this allowed them to keep it at 11.3
A USMC AIM is made possible for the tech tree
Due to 11.3, it present an option with worse raw firepower and slightly worse armor but better optics than other Abrams at the BR
It has a cool camo
I mean, technically speaking it could be the Colombian or Ecuador Kfir C.10, which is technically the same aircraft, but it has some variations and differences. The leaked Kfir may not be the one passed to the devs, but I could be wrong hence the “maybe”. Just thought I might clarify this incase it hasn’t been already.
You know they added the Leopard 2PL with worse ammo to make it fit that “rule”, right?
An actual US Abrams AIM could have been limited the same way.
The 2PL could get DM53 and would still be fine at 11.3, it’s really not that good.
They actually tried to do this, but the timing was pretty bad so they haven’t tried it again.
I think adding a version that actually had worse armor is a much better choice than artificially nerfing a tank.
I would be bold and say that having DM53 at 11.3 is enough to compensate for nearly every downside a MBT may have. Base arietes were somewhat fine, sure, armor blah blah which is very annoying, I cant see a problem why L2PL cant do better.
lmao armor isn’t the only thing that make the ariete the worst mbt, armor sure, but also mobility and survavibility so in no way even with the DM53 the ariete is “somewhat fine” id rather play the Merkava MK4 than actually playing the ariete with DM53
M1A1 with a faster reload and M829A1 arguably has better firepower at 11.0. It’s also got better armour, better survivability and likely better mobility too.
Armor gap between an ariete and an m1a1 might not be that big, afaik there was a pretty big jump in armor from the A1 to the A2
Hell, I would do it, currently converting my F-111A template over to F-111F, then was going to work on the F-111C
But, we are proud to finally see our beloved RAAF F-111C in game, so dont want to lose its spot light
@Smin1080p_WT Quick question, not sure if you can comment. Earlier this year a bunch of premiums were moved up in Rank to match their “proper” placement (such as tech tree counterparts), for example Mikuma now being Rank V like Suzuya. This was appreciated, as it was essentially a free upgrade to all those who already owned them. But many premiums and especially event vehicles were left out of this.
I understand that perhaps not all premiums will get this treatment, as there are monetary and research speed/efficiency factors at play (for example Yamashiro which clearly belongs at Rank VI), but it would be very much appreciated if all the appropriate event vehicles could be fixed in this regard as well (which shouldn’t be an issue, not being premiums). Such as Haruna still sitting at Rank V, despite Kongou being Rank VI (both sister ships are for all relevant purposes identical).
Any chance of event vehicles getting this fix? Or at least the devs considering it?
Arietes are objectively worst top tiet, but it can always suffice - at least thats my experience with them. Duh.
Armor fix would however somewhat suffice compared to other western designs, but the fix has to be to the actual degree of protection.