Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

The number J10A’s countermeasures reminds me something.
That IRL this plane gets 4 countermeasure units, which can be switched between large calibre(9 each) or normal ones(18 each). I believe that there are more jets with the same ability, but most jets in game have only fixed value of countermeasures.
So I would like to see players being able to modify the countermeasure pod for different calibres(of course, amount also differs), maybe in the modification menu, so it can’t be changed during battles.
What do you think guys?

On a side note the GCS-1 M117 bombs were indeed passed. Well, they are IR guided so not the same topic, but cool to see I guess. JDAMs on EJ kai as well.

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as a bomber?

bombing tons arent in stats thats right, so I ant prove that Its good at doing that

We have been fighting for this with Gaijin over the Mirage 2000 and some tornadoes as well I believe. First of all they can’t get the amount of flares right for the current load out, now you are asking them to get a modular system right. Good luck with that


the guided bombs were implemented leading to new release mechanics, the problem was that GPS locking was done with a designation pod or the CCRP which led an aircraft to be put in a vulnerable position, my idea is that we can use the maps to lock a GPS/CCRP coordinate


even bedder would be if a squadronemember could designate a gps point for locking (i lock especially at you my littel drones)
it would work with randoms not as good but with someone on discord or TS3 you could go nuts.


Are we getting ljdam?

We at least have a relationship with the F-111 (thank you F-111K, and no, the fact that the F-111K wasn’t completed makes no difference despite what Smin says. Izmail wasn’t completed but that’s being added, what gives) unlike with the Bhishma.

Vijayanta is much the same. Did we build it/have a discernible relationship with said vehicle? If yes, should go in British tree. If not, probably shouldn’t.


small issue with that - they’d need to make another bind so that it doesn’t interfere with “attention to (area)” calls. Otherwise, probably a sane and sensible decision. It’s not as if pre-planned strikes don’t exist.

Even Smin said we tested the A iirc so why couldn’t we have that one ?
Japan got the AJ after all.

i would even suggest that you can place as many gps points as you want on the map and you can then just switch with the cycle bomb targets key throuh them.
and a buton to remove them of course.

if the f111c isnt given the TF30-P-109 i have no idea what this plane is. its a 1973 jet with its upgraded weapons but not engine and airframe, in its current configuration its fictional. ohh well wcyd im used to it at this point it will probs be fixed 3 years from now

My thoughts exactly. The F-111K was unfinished, but there are so many other examples of unfinished vehicles being added.

Looking back through the other RR&D threads there are comments from smin saying that the F-111K wasn’t an option because Britain had enough domestic options left to be added. Yet here we are without those domestic options being added and getting the F-111C that we apparently didn’t even need.


I also distictly remember some comments about the F-111C not being planned either, but I could just be tripping

I also remember them saying no to top tier premiums, no missiles, no nukes & No Israeli tree but look where we are now.

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Yeah man. Plans change. As they should. Continued development needs freedoms.

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Well, looks like I was definitely tripping, what happened was that we went from:
The F-111K just not being planned, as Britain had the Tornado and there being other fully built British aircraft that have a higher priority;
The F-111C being added because of the F-111K not even being an option.

Me being unable to stop my brain from drawing conclusions therefore went towards the F-111C for some reason being needed in the British tree according to Gaijin/Smin, with those other British aircraft suddenly losing priority.

Some plans changes are good some are bad, top tier premiums I’m on the fence about.

They are good as it means people won’t be totally locked out from top tier
But bad in terms of skilled game play.

And from that I’ve noticed it’s only gonna get worse since SV will be joining that front too.

Just like the Tornado GR.1 - MK.101 engines, like on the earliest batches, but armed with a PGM-2000, and this is the second half of the 90s. Classic War Thunder Frankenstein


What’s fan base’s general feeling regarding the new update?
yay or nay?
Might be a dream for Chinese & Pakistani players.
I for one am a bit disappointed that,
even in the Chinese focused update, Gaijin still failed to add the ZTZ-96B.
But also a bit hopeful, that Swiss sub tree might finally come to Germany.

For other nations that are not the playable 10 it’s fantastic I hope to see more like it.

I’m sad that the P-16 is costing almost 50 quid and it at 9.0 which is putting me off atm.
As it really should be around 8.3