Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

There really isnt a reason to use the new F-16C instead of the F-16D anyway since its not getting Mavericks and also lacks the GBU-15V2 that the F-16D has

there are new tank sights, but you have to select them on the “sights” option just like custom ones

It has the FM of an F-16C while the F-16D in its current form is both heavier and lacks 1.5t thrust. So its overall better in ARB, not to mention how amraams are better in most situations. CAS wise or overall GRB gameplay the GBU-15 would help out the D model on the other hand.

Holy Jesus, JF-17 is the most agile jet I’ve tried till now; even more so than the F-16s.

Is this flight model final? Because if it is, its flight performance and weapons make it quite promising.

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Where in the options is that

Probably december

So far I think I’m most excited for Japanese squadron vehicle and SMS Derfflinger.

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idem, I like Israeli vehicles, but the monotony makes me bored after 2 or 3 matches. Israel is monochromatic, and that doesn’t happen with any other tech tree.

The lack of diversity and versatility in Israel has always been a serious issue. For some reason, it keeps receiving copy after copy. I understand they are Israeli vehicles, but people will get tired of it. I already abandoned the Israeli tech tree once, came back with the Namer, but honestly, the routine is exhausting. The matches are very monotonous. There are about 4 or 5 Magachs at 9.3… what’s the point of that? And if you want a change, you have 2 more Merkavas at that BR…


Its not. It can literally hover and drift sideways. No FM are final on dev.

game options and search “sight” and a selection should show up for custom sights, there in the devserver you can select US, USSR and Sosna

I don’t think it is final. I was in a discord with a pretty good pilot and he was able to do some interesting things with it that I don’t think should be possible.


Ok, this is epic


they really need to rework how thermals work and behave in the game, i did a huge photo thing about it and the best one with the implementation of thermals right now is the red thermals white hot. or third gen black hot.

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This is literally something you could already do yourself with a custom sight. I was expecting for something much more in depth personally. Like ammo selected, turret rotation compared to the hull…

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also there is some pretty bad performance issues right now on the dev server

Ryzen 9 7900x + 4070ti at 4k I’m losing about 20-30fps with much higher frame sutters.

Playing on a mac (lol) and performances are about the same for me

The best part of this update.

It would be nice if the sights could automatically be applied to their respective nations.

So far, I have had to set each sight individually on each tank I have tested…

Maybe it’s their goal and this is WIP, hopefully, though!

have a toggle in settings so some users might not like historical sights, well “historical”