Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)



It almost feels like the air and ground BRs are the wrong way around. 11.3 air seems incredibly low for 4x AIM-9M and HMD while 12.0 ground seems incredibly high for a shitty platform like the A-10 with the current weapons.

The AV-8B(NA) has similar armaments, although a slightly in lower quantity, but a far better platform at 11.3 in GRB.

Tiran-6 is giving me ‘T-62 with modules added via picatinny’ vibes … Tacticool T-62 if you may …

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It is in the files

Mosin witha fancy red dot, decorative compensator and some random laser sights and flashlights

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coz its not Dec 26th yet

I think 11.3 is where its final ground BR spot will be at, it doesnt really stand a chance at 11.7 and above, jdams can only get the a-10 so far and against the pantsir? No hope

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I think it has to be an internal joke and dont get me wrong i really enjoy it

From dev stream it’s GBU-38(V)2/B for naval aircraft

I waiting gajin add JDAM USAF variants (GBU-31(V)1/B & GBU-38(V)1/B) after update dev server new version

But F-14B received GBU-38(V)2/B ?

Add JDAM for 4 aircraft air force (GBU-31(V)1/B & GBU-38(V)1/B). but JAS39 Gripen C from swedish deployed GBU-49 Enhanced Paveway II

  • AMX A-11
  • F-16C/D Block 40 Barak II
  • F-16AM Block 15 MLU
  • F-16C Block 50

tbf that’s basically what it is lol

like I do too, and ill play french coastal too but this is like darksouls levels of hard to play

rem ove torpedos and it takes 3/4 french rank 1 boats to match the firepower of ONE british MTB1

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After revising the Dev Server for 2 hours, I can verify that there is not a single MBT fix to be found.

Only ZTZ-99A’s remodel (still missing spall liners) and Leopard 2A7’s UFP issue.

No Abrams, Merkava, Leclerc, Type 10 or Challenger fixes, and, so far, all of the Chinese MBTs are still messed except for the WIP 99A’s fixes.

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How do you toggle the modern tank sights?

there are modern tank sights?

did I miss sth?

It still exist?

Same, at least I hope so. For now if someone is running 11.7 US the F-16C, F-111F and AV-8B+ are already much better options for CAS (it’s not even close).

For ground it is way too high. However for air battles, the Su-25T/39 has a slightly better airframe and two R-73s at an increment higher with roughly the same avionics, so 11.7 should somewhat suffice.


guys germany wont get any new vehicel except these three?

Three are more than some of the other nations

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october update exist ?

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