Someone counted it on the J-10 thread, something like a maximum of 74, which is still not enough
Just putting this here because most people may have missed it (or not cared for it) :
There is also a ship called L9059 in the French coastal tree, it’s actually a Landing Craft Medium with big guns and a 40mm AA Bofor, quite a treat to be honest. It’s really cool to see it added.
CM are WIP, it should have more.
pl5E should have dual band IRCCM, makes it very viable or even good (not sure if gaijin would implement this)
PL12 is also by far way superior than the Aim120A.
I heard its very much WIP (translation of others), same with PL-5EII apparently
Dev servers are always WIP, and even then they mentioned the things you mention not being finished on stream or discord, relax and wait for the final product before jumping to conclusions
I think a key difference between the 13.3s and 13.7 is their flight performance. The J-10A will easily do laps around the Tornado F3 or F4F-ICE
This is supposed to be one of the smaller major updates.
But if Switzerland is Germany exclusive I’m not sure what you guys expected. Gaijin has shown they don’t put much effort into sub-nations.
the J-10 is another on a list of EGREGIOUSLY incorrectly modeled aircraft and that’s before we even get to test it’s FM. But the punchline of the joke is these are issues that using your eyes could’ve fixed.
For starters PL-5Es… a missile the J-10A NEVER used. They have only been seen operating PL-8s and their main missile is the PL-8B (which is literally just a Python with an IRCCM).
This next one is way funnier though. According to Gaijin the J-10A can only carry 2 Guided bombs. They’re in the number 2 and 10 Pylon slots, same slot as the PL-12 dual mount.
One quick google search and an image taken by the US DOD reveals… hold up… are those guided bombs… on the 3 and 9 Pylon… where it doesn’t have them in game?
Been wondering the same thing
Complexity. these GBUs are just laser guided bombs with IOG and the laser guidance turned off. Its nothing new.
External radars are a major new mechanic
No boxer and F-5 hurts really. Was especially exited for the first one to know which one it will be
A-10C on 11,3 is NOT okay gaijin!
This needs to be addressed
The other thing I wish they would solve is the FM of J10. In Livestream it barely pulled 9G so I suppose that is very incorrect.
According to public interviews from PAF before they bought J10CE, in a military practice, they said J10 has some stunning instantaneous turn rate, and remember they used F16 as a comparison in that context.
Yes, meeh update…
So, I can expect:
A “fixed” Puma after years, without a lineup at 10.7. What’s the point? without Boxer.
A Tiran 6, looks cool but… meeh.
Another Israeli F-16 (one I honestly never expected to see, wasn’t even on my radar).
A big update for Israel, no doubt (yes, that was sarcastic).
The JF-17 looks great; I like the two Pakistani vehicles. In fact, I might buy the tank.
The Dutch CV90 is also welcome, although I don’t play France, lol, but I’ll research it after the Thunder.
I just hope the skin box brings some nice stuff, at least for LATAM, which is still absent despite more than 15k players voting for Latin American content…
Su39 finally knowing its not the worst higher-end CAS be like
Su-25T/Su-39 2x R-73 = 11.7
Su-25BM 2x R-73 = 11.3
Su-25SM3 2x R-73 = 12.3
Harrier Gr7 4x Aim-9M = 12.3
A-10C 4x Aim-9m + HMD = 11.3
That thing is under BRed
True, it should be at least 12.3 to match the Su-25SM3
And I was right.
had hoped for the swiss F-5 at least. Would have made sense to add a new plane together with the premium P-16 aswell.
but you are right it doesn’t really matter that much. the next update isn’t that far away
I suppose it’a still WIP so I’ll give them that. But otherwise I’d expect something accurate at least for the live server.