Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Sweden, italy

Oh no…


Glad i was occupied grinding china for the event.
Made my suffering easier at least.
Back to german ground and by the time i have that finished the eft might arrive

Hear me out.

April Fools event

What a pity, but Britain too. But we will come up with a reason for it to introduce another country’s aircraft, instead of the existing EAP.

No no, exclusive vehicle for opening 1 000 000 boxes

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While we are at the ICE, could you tell us how the ICE is performing and if the Devs are thinking about the Aim-9L/I-1?

Legend has it if you say EAP 3 times really fast in a mirror Smin will appear behind you and hit you over the head with a Magach.


Gaijin has been promoting “We need to consider the balance issue”
So the German air has been suffering from a balance disaster this year. Has Gaijin considered how to solve it now?
Let the players wait again?
Watching other countries continue to become stronger, while you can only cry holding the old Pantom?

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This is not the case at all. Many nations had over a year gap between their top fighter jets. Germany had one until the last major update.


UK has JAS39C, JP has F15, this is obvious

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I meant the past, where these nations had NOTHING at top tier.


The EAP is not an aircraft that can be introduced to the game. It was not a combat aircraft and had no functional system, weaponary integration, combat radar, RWR or countermeasurers.


Yak-141 moment.


And another one for the bingo card


They haven’t promised nothing you just got the ICE so you better deal with it


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Yak-141 had several planned and was a prototype combat aircraft. EAP was a technology demonstration aircraft with nowhere near the levels of plans that the 141 had.


When someone starts Germany for the top tier, they should have already known Germany wasn’t exactly at the cutting edge during the jet age and was quite behind until the Eurofighter. It really shouldn’t be surprising at all they will have to deal with the F4F for a bit, people just forget what they sign up for it seems.


But we have already had a boat yesterday…