Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

If you listen really carefully you can hear a hammer getting closer at the mention of a certain 3 letter acronym…


Jup just saying

lmao honestly I just find it funny how mad they are that they suggest a plane that smin has denied so many times lol

But hey, it was mentioned, sooo


At one point they gonna make an april fools event and add the eap into it just for the memes


That would be interesting.

Actually I would like that more lol 😂

I’m trying to understand why Germany is the only one that doesn’t have a 4th generation aircraft with Fox-3 missiles.

And it looks like this will continue for a few more updates.

Dreams come true reward ))) lmao

So you better cope :)


(before I go off on one, this is not aimed at you)

Why, would you bother giving the EAP, when you could just give the DA2 which would have the same functionality and purpose in game

Ah yes, Dreams come true: You are the ammo!

Not officially confirmed but like when BeNeLux was leaked.

We could most likely see it introduced either the update after the next but not with anything like the F/A-18C, most likely just with the F-5E and P-16 or in December with the F/A-18C.

If Germany doesn’t get the Hornet, then so many of us players will have to wait for another patch with only ICE available, isn’t this a balance disaster?
Have you ever thought about this serious problem? This is the only country that has no top jet available for a long time

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Let it go for once

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UK, Japan?


because the UK was the first nation to receive a subtree because they used to only have 4 lines in ground and sa was only for ground. The gripen was added because unlike germany that sure they were getting their planes one patch later were still getting better planes the UK and Sweden had been stuck with sub par aircraft for almost 2 years

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The reason why is because Germany hasn’t got anything IRL. The Eurofighter was a replacement for the F4F ICE.


According to our Stats, the ICE is doing good

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Until this moment in time Germany has had no need of a sub tree unlike other nations (Italy, UK etc) to fill gaps as it’s had one of the most comprehensive and filled trees in the game.

Many other nations have had periods of time where they did not have a top fighter jet or top tank because they simply had nothing during those periods. Britian had to have the Phantoms for many years, Italy Starfighters and others before that.

Unfortunately this is a period of time where Germany is now at this section in a gap between the F-4F ICE and it’s next jet. It won’t be as much of a wait as other nations have had in the past, but there is going to be some time before the next top jet.