Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

That is until said SPAA move like 50-100 meters after they shot down the first GPS bomb realizing what you are doing.

Which is more than the average glue sniffing SPAA player is capable of doing, your point?

You can also carry 16 SDBs and 6 mavericks if implemented correctly

You are assuming that the average A-10C player will do much better lol. The current average A-10A players seem to be dead set on getting into gun range lol.



I could care less what the average A-10 player does. I only care about what I am capable of.

I can already use the A-10A in Top tier GSB. The A-10C just finally closes the 30 year technology gap ever so slightly

“Hey, we have this really cool indigenous Swiss jet! Let’s lock it behind a paywall!”


France and Italy on suicide watch not having a single squadron vehicle since they have been added . ( 7 years ago )


that doesnt smell like sub tree to me

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I still only see an easy kill, no matter if you are flying it or the average A-10 player lol. Good thing I haven’t spaded my pantsir and tor yet.

All of India’s vehicles are premiums/squadrons, yet that is a sub nation of Britain


we’ll see, the pre order blog will come eventually

I mean there’s no Indian TT vehicles in the UK tree afaik, all SQN or Prem, but India is still a sub-nation of the UK


Could be a preview premium, with the subtree dropping next patch?

yes but that would only work with a fully independant tree because theres no remaining Line inside the german tree

If the leak is anything to go off of still, it seems they just plan on filling out the tornado line.

no point in arguing about the leaks now, we’ll get a stream and probably also server today

The upper ranks of German air can easily be shuffled around, since it is very spread out as is, and some of the lines have even reached their ‘end’ for Germany.

oh no

hope they add a earlier version as a tech tree plane


Fortunately, there were two different types of prototypes, so that may happen.

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