Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Guys, let’s please keep on topic. I can see this drifting slowly out.


With the way Gaijin implementing them? Not at all. I can for sure post at least 5 interesting Hungarian vehicles (cold war era) that arent pure copy and paste. Sadly For Gaijin it either takes a whole ear to add one original vehicle or when they add one, they make it premium or event


East germany/GDR certainly doesn’t exist anymore. The rest more or less aswell with the fall of communism

On topic? I can’t wait for the new US squadron plane

So dev live stream when?

We can treat east Germany as a subtree to Germany at this point. Rest of WP nations still could be added as a combined tt

Soon TM


Can you drift us back, perhaps with some obscure reference as an ambiguous hint for something we haven’t seen yet in the teaser?

Usually its next day after teaser, so sometime today

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Are there plans to introduce 2 seater version of J-10 at some point or will it be only restricted to 1 seater in game? I just really like the looks of it

I doubt we will see many more east german vehicles now with switzerland.
It will be clearer if we get the bundeswehr or gdr camouflage for the osa.
But there is simply no more space for them especially if germany gets 2-3 swiss panzers

It usually comes at midnight for me.I want to sleep for a while before the live stream.

you sleep, then get up for the stream, then sleep again?

We have added two seater versions of other aircraft before, so it can’t be ruled out entirely. Just nothing to speak of right now in any current plans.


Yeah, they seem oddly opposed to adding more GDR vehicles

aight thanks

Fortunately, as most of them would be copy and paste.


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Was there any interesting original or modified vehicle that GDR made?

There’s a modified T-55, however other than that, I do not know.

Post-unification, there’s the BMP-1A1 Ost which is in fact already in game in the Swedish tree under the name Pbv 501.