Actions speak louder than words. You can say that Gaijin isn’t neglecting France, but that doesn’t change the fact that so much about France has been ignored or in some cases worsened for years.
Stream announcement usually comes late right?
As an Aussie and French TT enthusiast (apparently).
Where’d you feel the RAAF Mirage III should go?
It should come before 9:00 utc in the past.But last time it came very late
so usually within the next 24min
Seeing from how Gaijin is additing orginal vehicles to sub TT…you will be happy if you see one per year being added
In my opinion, sub nations as a whole should be scrapped, and every nation that isn’t independent should have its vehicles go to wherever the closest technological tie is, which in the case of the Aussie Mirage III is France, and if there isn’t one, then to whichever nation the vehicle’s nation has the closest military and/or political tie.
Im sure that this would cause a LOTs of problems in adding vehicles.
That would solve a lot of problems.
So lets put exaple that is close to me. Czechichoslovakia (Czechia and Slovakia) vehicles being added into the USSR. At first look it can make sence as we use same vehicles that we later modified. But the political side? The whole invasion in 1968, installing pro regime goverment isnt that great.
From what i seen a lots of Korean would be angry if theri vehicles would be add to Japan due to the WW2
France. Britain can get the Atlas Cheetah via SA
That’s why independent Warsaw (Poland and Czechoslovakia) and United Korea trees should be added.
But this is a game this isn’t politics you know?
dont mention the invasion! It’s apparently political despite being more than 50 years ago and most countries which took part no longer exists
Which would be amazings…sadly most people when you mention that will say it would be just Copy and paste TT
Im replaying to what Shay said. Not the game
I mean, can you blame em? You know what Hungary and BeNeLux look like ingame
Really? Didnt know Poland, Hungary , Bulgaria and Germany no longer exist
Why not Warsaw pact tt at this point? With all Warsaw pact countries that were ruled under USSR