Never said sweden should ne fixed first. Though both air trees need more love than others for their early/late jet age.
SU-24 was built at the collapse of the CCCP, so technically, it’s Soviet, but where soon put into the Russian Air Force post 1991
Cant say anything about it here without potentially getting banned so message me in another forum or dms lol
You said: In the beginning.
I’t should have been added with the Freccia.
Lol…just will say with how T-50 is in game…plus add on armor…Swedish TT would finally have a heavy tank…tho peobably not in rank III
Not a heavy tank, its still a medium.
T34E is a 1941 4.0 t34 with armor plates thats classed as a medium and sits at 4.0
Toss another nerfs to Drakens, Viggens and Gripens.
Boxer is doing everything, heck even Fuchs and Luchs and Marders filling those spaces. Some better some worse even the protype versions.
My statment stands. Germany has by far more and enougth domestic vehciles to fill all that roles. Even east german versions. Swiss sub tree is usless addition with nothing to offer. In any capacity.
Italy getting hungary to fill gaps is undertandibel and logical. Japan, getting a sub tree maybe not so much. But if you telling me that germany will loose out on domestic iconic vehicels just because swiss tree got added i freak the F out. This is inacetible.
I know. was joking XD
The freccia, Italian?
When I said “from the beginning” I meant that of the addition of the Finnish sub-tree.
Same goes for USSR and yet they still got a Czechoslovakain M53/59 Praga into their SPAA line up
Yeah I know but it’s one of the russian ones right? The earlier modifications where used by the Soviet air force.
Fair enough, I agree that domestic german designs should be no.1 priority wherever possible.
Though keep in mind only Swiss air subtree is announced, nothing has been said about ground.
Idk, probably both are coming, wouldn’t make sense to have the newer one before the older one, So probably a 24D if it’s newer, or not a repainted one.
Thats just plain wrong. But hey. Suit yourself.
You have problems man…
Man’s going through the GB and French sub tree moment.
Coño,un español.
Que tal?
Limited A2G, not none at all.
5-6 BL755s (so I assume an equivalent size unguided bomb) useful for bases in air modes, but minimal value in top tier GRB.
But I was mostly refering to the lack of guided weapons like GBUs or AGMs that I think German mains want from the Typhoon more than anything else at the moment considering their lack of mutlirole