Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Wait no, if the F-111C goes to the Br*tish tree, I’ll have to grind out their air tree… fuuuuu

Hey it’s been awhile lol

I see few red parts…so do i see corretly they hit the angled front plate, round bounced up and hit the turret cheeks, not doing anything?

only soft drugs is legal here xD

Unless it’s premium hehe

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No, no, no. This is definitely the best aircraft in the entire game, since it alone destroys all 4th generation aircraft.

tank paintball

Im hopeful! :)

Now…back then i doubt

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its a sign

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meme meme



chop chop, better get grinding for the 歼-10 猛龙

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Play the MIG29G, it’s a 4th gen

You know, I’d actually buy that… might be a decent fighter bomber if it gets IRCCM missiles and a decent base bombing load for some decent RP grinding.

heavy tank R-100 / Ps. 271-1. The damage marked with red paint is from 25th of June 1944, when this tank lead the attack of Finnish heavy and medium tanks towards Portinhoikka crossroads. Soviet T-34/85 hit this tank with its main gun, but the reinforced front hull armor proved so strong, that that the 85-mm shell bounced from it and tank crew survived the hit.

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keep moaning then, i realised germany was not the place to be and moved on, now i am enjoying updates again

I don’t see FOX-3 on him.

If they get Switzerland, (which is 99.99% likely based upon teaser) F-18 is a possibility. But Gaijin left Brtain and Sweden with 11.3s to fight 12(+) for an entire year. It wouldnt be out of character to leave Germany with a relatively close to top tier aircraft for a few months until Typhoon

You don’t need Fox 3