Wait no, if the F-111C goes to the Br*tish tree, I’ll have to grind out their air tree… fuuuuu
Hey it’s been awhile lol
I see few red parts…so do i see corretly they hit the angled front plate, round bounced up and hit the turret cheeks, not doing anything?
only soft drugs is legal here xD
Unless it’s premium hehe
No, no, no. This is definitely the best aircraft in the entire game, since it alone destroys all 4th generation aircraft.
tank paintball
Im hopeful! :)
Now…back then i doubt
chop chop, better get grinding for the 歼-10 猛龙
Play the MIG29G, it’s a 4th gen
You know, I’d actually buy that… might be a decent fighter bomber if it gets IRCCM missiles and a decent base bombing load for some decent RP grinding.
heavy tank R-100 / Ps. 271-1. The damage marked with red paint is from 25th of June 1944, when this tank lead the attack of Finnish heavy and medium tanks towards Portinhoikka crossroads. Soviet T-34/85 hit this tank with its main gun, but the reinforced front hull armor proved so strong, that that the 85-mm shell bounced from it and tank crew survived the hit.
keep moaning then, i realised germany was not the place to be and moved on, now i am enjoying updates again
I don’t see FOX-3 on him.
If they get Switzerland, (which is 99.99% likely based upon teaser) F-18 is a possibility. But Gaijin left Brtain and Sweden with 11.3s to fight 12(+) for an entire year. It wouldnt be out of character to leave Germany with a relatively close to top tier aircraft for a few months until Typhoon
You don’t need Fox 3