Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Similar levels to the PUMA and 2S38 we have in game.


we are gods - audiomachine, i believe.

edit; i was hella late

Dev stream soon?

Cause he is being arrogant about it.

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Probably tomorrow

maybe tomorrow?

Tomorrow if I had to throw a guess

We have gone well past the point of something being “to advanced” for ground.

We went past it when stuff like spikes and the 2s38 showed up


Hype for dev stream and server tmrw


pretty wild guess dont you think /S

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Great. But most my expectations are falling apart already. Thanks!

the only untouched area we have for ground is ARH SAMS, and the radar guided missiles like Longbow and Brimstone


If only they were useable

Yes, HMS_ArkRoyal would know why this is important.

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To be fair there hasn’t been anything official official about that, Smin’s remark and the leak (which I believe is reliable) point to UK but we’ll likely find out tomorrow


In order to make a suggestion topic that can even be considered. It doesn’t mean its sufficient for something to be implemented. Particularly if there were fully realised vehicles as alternatives that can be implemented.

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you’re welcome

gib Taurus plz, I want to make Pantsirs rage from 500km away

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I mean, they better add it with the Akeron MP ATGMs then.

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The 40mm CTAS armour pen is scary enough!

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