Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Smin has literally joked about people being mad if they give UK Aussie vechiles and been leaked for it

It is UK


I cant wait to see if we are getting a superhind for the UK as well, more SA helis are welcome.

i just copy pasted

God I hope more planes get IFF designation, esp for sim but I wouldn’t be surprised if only the A-10C and 1 or 2 others get it.

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Is that more pics of the Yak 141??? :P

But isnt that enough for air suggestions?

I hope so because I’m starting to regret grinding Germany

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Yeah I’m waiting for the VBCI which I’d would rather see first over the Dutch but glad to see Dutch at all nonetheless. Hopefully soon we get VBCI soon.

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That one was marked as possibly delayed (i.e. won’t be in this major) so I’d manage your expectations on that front

People flag his comments now

M1A1 AIM was used by US but Aussie F111 wasn’t. Why cant you accept this fact?

There might even be, but I’m not sure, the VT1, a very old MTB used for testing in the early 1920’s.

If it is indeed that, it would come with a 13.2mm MG, which wouldn’t be that bad.

There also may be a VTB 13, an unfinished prototype, but it’s difficult to say as well, they all more or less look the same…

I hope we get radar target indicators for the HMD’s. Would be great to see them for Sim

That one’s too advanced for now…

Especially its Akeron MP ATGMs.

I am aware. But the possibility of it annoying several people by going to the UK is still funny.

Its not…


Clearly he can’t and whilling to spead false infomation to fuel his copium.

sooo next devblogs 24M and Jeff-17?


Still farther than other aircraft ingame made it.

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