Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

And it has target identifiers?

Was it showing ground targets?

@Hyrikul my condolensces , your new premiums gonna be another IFV a cv


I wonder what was this used for in real life.



oh goody, the UK bending over for any scraps they can snatch, dignity in tatters


God if they model it correctly for the Dutch and not the Danish that would literally be the most gaijin thing

Actual big sad since its my home nations vehicle but whatever

Big question:
We saw the J-10A since it doesn’t have the DSI.
But we still have no Idea about what the other J-10 mentioned in the leak is.

Silly France they should have built some light tanks…

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I wouldn’t mind it being premium, means I don’t have to grind the entire french ifv line to get it.

@_Renzo Man like I can’t wait to see his face tomorrow lmao

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The trailer doesn’t contain everything and especially not a F-5 rather unique planes like the p-16


Problem is the CV9035 is kinda ass in the Swedish tree …sorry

I almost got baited, well done

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Might be a premium as it lacks of A/G capabilities

Thats because gaijin wont bother actually accepting the bug reports to fix it

Bold assertion - could still go to the US as a prem. Don’t underestimate Gaijin lol

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Nah, it’s gonna be their second SQV plane

Why would it be a premium…? It was in active service.

Or that.