Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Still beating that old rubbish ?

it is a little different but functionally the same

it an Aussie Vark so probably UK Tech tree

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Now we just wait for a possible stream tomorrow

They might show it on the dev stream

No that was it shooting PL-12 from what I could see

Technically the Dutch one has several differences from the Danish one, but idk if GJN will implement that.

Both are at the base a Mk.III CV9035

You mean like the Abrams AIM?

Not difficult though when even the leaklist already said that the hornet might not come.

Depends if it has special armaments, the tech tree one doesn’t have GBUS?

It’s leaked for the Brit’s, KhorneFlakez1337 is just in hard denial

A-10C with HMD, actually excited about this for Sim


I’ve barely started the grind to unlock. With how badly compressed ground is at the moment, I’m not enjoying it
What WT I am playing (which isn’t much at the moment) its in ASB. So something interesting for air. Like the sea harrier FA2, would be a good addition for me

SD-10 is the export version of PL-12

SD-10 is export PL-12

To all who doubted me, see you next time ;


Question is will they actually correctly add the dual belt system, AHEAD, and LWS/DAS or continue to ignore it like the Danish version.

also good showcase of GPS targeting

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Maybe? But It’s F111C not A

we’ll see ;)