Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

You wanna take a guess how long it took for the Alpha Jet to be implemented after being passed for consideration?

i want that camo now…

That kind of captured vehicle is always premium

they wont add the finish kv1 as it would tank german market kv1 place prices something like that hence why they got a tiger 2 p

They literally are adding a Finnish KV-1

wait what oh i must have missed that was there reasoning a while ago supposedly sorry

Im just asking to make sure if its the capcured part ot that only one was in army

So I come back from my shitty late shift. And what do I see? Nothing no teaser , not even a DEVBLOG!?!!

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It’s a combination of both. The only captured vehicles that I am aware of that are in a tech tree and not a premium are the Tirans. They got them as tech tree vehicles because they captured hundreds of them and kept operating them.

Edit: The ZSUs in the Israel tree apparently are the same

didnt that thing randomly disapear supposedly sunk after being hit by a cargo ship

the reasoning as to not C&P the German model to Swedish tt as its a market event vehicle so they simply made a whole new model for it now

Still kinda sucks as this was the last option for Swedish TT to have a heavy tank that isnt premium.

passed for consideration means almost nothing in terms of when vehicles getting added


thanks didnt know that

Alpha Jet being in “Passed for consideration” hell for 7 years


Stug IV still in purgatory

I still have no clue why the hell it takes so long to add it.

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ZSUs were never used in combat but I think the reasoning behind this is the fact that captured ZSU-57-2’s received standard index numbers given to every service Israeli vehicle

Its the same as with Marauder. They are waiting till the hype is completely gone

I mean, they might have still used them to train or something, all I’ve read was that they just weren’t deployed in any conflict

stug 4 was never passed though. It was on the tree preview of the german tank tree. Like the sdkfz 222 was on the chinese preview