Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)


Yeah, something like that, the last ground event vehicle was the 292 i believe (i might be wrong) which feels so long ago

Avre was after 292

Nah it was the P tard


The original rotation was announced to be tank - plane - boat - repeat. They switched it up before the summer break and we should be returning to the regular rotation now.

Yeah cause they were supposed to do boat but the p tard came out so now it should be tonk again

Oh i forgot about the petard, didnt have time to grind it thats why it was forgettable lol

Nah, they skipped a boat, that’s why we had one after the petard and would now get another one

Well given the lack of staff interaction currently over the last 100 or so, it’s somewhat suspicious combined with the lack of devblog this late

Thought the italian boat thay came after the P tard was it cause after that we got the Tomcot

P tard, >Böąţ,

The 3 previous blogs were released 2 hrs before now so somethings definitely off


Nah, the petard basically came in place of the boat. According to the planned rotation the petard would have come after the break, leading up to the tomcat

Not only part of the RWR

Cleary they are planning a sneak attack

Or damage control.

Smin is currently getting his ban hammer ready for me :3

Chris, can you read?
Because its Literally written since when it says 94…

yes but I am blind

I think it’s not an issue if a boat gets skipped once in a while :p

I cant read Cyrillic. Am trash at it.

Only Spanish, Danish, sometimes english if im not being a P tard, finnish, Ikea, and some deutsch

“Zuletz am 12.07.2024”

It hasn’t been updated in a month, man.