Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

As much as I’d want 10 JDAMs as well for my 70 Euros I’ll drop on it, if they are on racks they can only take pre-programmed coordinates and can’t be redesignated in flight.
And unconfirmed, but heard somewhere they have to be on the same coords per entire rack.

I value realism above anything else in this game so I’ll take it as they’ll bring it.

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this Error is new to me

on dev server btw

It’s closed.

Dev server is closed

but it never closed like this before
it always let me into the game and then said authentification failed

As mentioned.

didnt check

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We discussed it above, and the American AV-8B has upgraded TAR-10s that allow you to set coordinates in the air.

and even filed a bug report

I guess the devs have decided that the only TER we will have is the BRU-42, so we’re out of luck until they choose to add better ones. At least the F-16C already has the BRU-57, allowing it to carry 2 JDAMs per pylon, though I don’t think the inner pylons can hold any. From a balance perspective, the devs could add better TERs, and if not, maybe larger JDAMs. I hope the devs consider it at least.

Maybe I missed something but I can’t find that they allow you to set coordinates in the air. Perhaps that should be made clear better in the report.


yk this new glide bomb really opens a lot of possibilities for the game

if the code for glide bombs is added we can now get a lot of them, and the next logical step will be cruise missiles like Taurus and Storm shadow that are essentially this but with an engine

but it also allows for stuff like the Russian Glide bombs from now to be added
if the code for powered glide ordenance gets added too then stuff like Mistel may also be possible in the game

this may just be the most meaningful addition this major

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idk why but the fact that GPS guidance and gliding ordenance is gonna get added is imo simply the most important part this major

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I don’t know if this is an Xbox thing, but in SIM EC the enemy airfield AI spawns only when they are already in firing distance. So not sure what these glide bombs will even do for me.

a video showed it to have ~18km effective range if released near Mach

sadly couldn’t test it out myself

It’s been discussed in this thread

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Does this mean that anti-radiation missile is comming sooooon?
ps:LD-10 is an anti-radiation missile based on SD-10(PL-12)


Has the documentation clearly been highlighted for the dev’s where it says they are reprogrammable in flight on that carriage?
I’m being nitpicky because I also want 10 JDAMs and I’m still not seeing it. Dev’s skimming over what we say likely won’t either then.

Hope so!

there is enough information to give 10 JDAM, but as far as I know there is no official answer that they will be less, or that they were removed, it is possible that it was a bug…

For more information, please contact the guys in the other thread, I can’t really answer all the technical questions for you

But you were saying that it’s reprogrammable in flight. Where did you get this information then? Did you assume it or read it?

If you assumed it then I won’t bother, if you read it then can you highlight where you read it?

Remember, I want this too so pls be open. There is no question if it can take 10, the question is if they can be reprogrammed in flight since the game does not (currently) support pre-flight coord programming. Something you said the rail suggested can do but I can’t find that piece of information so if you say what made you make that claim then we can highlight it and forward it to the devs.

Not sure about midfligt reprograming
But Laser Guided jdams exist
They will fly to the programed Target but will also follows Lasers in the last part of the flight for late adjustments

but if you want to go deeper, here are some links that say something about it, like the control system of the airplane allowed it to program, but I can’t say for sure.
