Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Well said.


personally I love that we got it but why is it over BRed like come on gaijin, it has 2 stingers and the 25mm, the Gepard 1A2 has 4 stingers plus the dual 35mm cannons at a lower br and at the same BR you have the LAV-AD that has the 25mm 4 to 8 ready stingers and can take a rocket pod, not to mention is far more mobile


HMS Nelson/Rodney
HMS King George V
HMS Queen Elizabeth (WW2 Refit)

would all be appropriate to be added at this point. Not even asking for all 3 to be added in quick succession. But come on. HMS Hood is over 2 years old by this point.

Only thing that I can think of, Is that it can scout (I think) like the Stormer HVM can. I dont know if the others can or not

BAC TSR-2, V-Bombers, the Avro Ashton, the Tornado GR.4, the F-111K, it’s not like there weren’t any better alternatives

yeah honestly if not soon we could see HMS lion (1938) as an actual balanced ship which would be depressing because the one place the UK could have led the meta and suddenly gaijin cant find a single ship with modern anti air to give us? or literally any of our inter war refits or designs.

I think the LAV-AD can not sure about the gepard either way that is no reason to be at the BR its at

UK not big 3 and all the things that go with that. $

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You’ve been told many times now the F-111K isn’t suitable for war thunder

its funny because the UK should have been the top nation in naval but gaijin always finds a way to duck over the UK


Didn’t the F-111F have a distinctive, modern HUD? It seems like the HUD from the F-111A has been directly transplanted into the F-111F on the dev server.
Just like how the functional HUD and RWR that should have been implemented in the F-1 weren’t, because the cockpit of the Mitsubishi T-2 was transplanted directly into it, I’m worried that the F-111F might also lose its functional HUD.


G3 and Lion were both laid down, which meets requirements for something to be considered for implementation iirc

Stormer AD has 8 stingers. 2 ready and 6 in storage.

But I do agree that 9.7 would be better for the Stormer AD.

That is what annoys me the most.

I accept we’ll have some the worst MBTs at top tier

I accept we’ll have weaker (native) A2A aircraft (till Typhoon) than most at top tier

But come-on gaijin. The Royal Navy didn’t rule the waves for over a 100 years due to luck. We had many excellent vessels

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Ah, I see

That’s where things are, unfortunately, very unclear.
Majority of F-111F cockpit photos I’ve come across are either pre-Pacer Strike (not the variant in-game), or just don’t have a HUD due to the USAF often stripping that stuff out prior to sending these planes to AMARC (which is usually where they wait until a museum can afford to ship them)

I was talking ready rack anyway should have specified that

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I think Nelson would be much too broken to be honest. She’s more equivalent to a NoCal, Nagato (refit), Littorio etc.


My current thoughts on the trees progression is something like this.

its the trend, British vehicles get released 2-3 patches after they are relevant. see Lightning and Tornado f.3. QE class with modern refits will come out next year at 7.0 after the others get 7.3’s

it honestly feels like gaijin has a vendetta against the UK any time we get something remotely good it gets nerfed, the options we have that could help with issues are just ignored, and then nations like america and japan get more ships that they dont need its honestly insane