Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Can It carry 4 sidewinders instead of two?

Well for me SA is fine but India is a no but I’m done enough moaning about them but if it were to be replaced then Australia would be better. Since there less stuff to move and won’t upset the Germans

could be wrong but I thought it could

I’m gonna disappear for a bit to make my what if Japanese had an hole update to add tested and evaluated aircraft using the wiki : )

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Interestingly, Thailand in total operated 10 different Types of F-16, owning 2 more types that weren’t in service.

(List for those that care)


Main serviced F-16s (F-16As):

  • F-16A Block 15 OCU (Guided CAS but no AMRAAM)
  • F-16A Block 15 ADF (AMRAAM but no guided CAS)
  • F-16A Block 15 OCU SG (Former SG F-16s with drogue chute and based on Block 30 airframe)
  • F-16AM MLU (modernized OCU, finally guided CAS and AMRAAMs)
  • F-16AM (e)MLU (further modernized OCU, now basically C Block 50/52 equivalent with some pretty capable CAS options)

Two seat variants (F-16Bs):

  • F-16B Block 15 OCU
  • F-16B Block 15 ADF
  • F-16B Block 15 OCU SG
  • F-16B MLU
  • F-16B (e)MLU

Other owned F-16s:

  • F-16A Block 10
  • F-16A Block 10A
    (No, I don’t know the difference between these two, likely very minor)

I’d guess the “F-16A”, if it’s not just the AJ, could be an OCU, since that’s the only non-AMRAAM capable type they operated.

As for the AM, I’d guess it’s an (e)MLU, since it is the more interesting option and the current top end of Thai F-16s.

Though this could always either still be a mistake or other nations F-16s, such as a Singaporean or Indonesian OCU, or an Indonesian AM Falcon STAR (e)MLU.


This month 's passed to the Devs series contains one vehicle which has been leaked, the Kfir 2000 ( C.10 ) and one vehicle which is now on the devserver, La Combattante(P730)

The Olifant Mk.1B was discovered in the files in version, but wasn’t specifically named as being the " Optimum " version that 's been suggested in this Passed to the Devs.


Does someone have a picture of the Japanese boats in the dev server. Since i dont have the dev server.

do you mean Amagi?

Yeah, and the pt boat

also insane that nations like france and America have no 15 inch armed ships and Japan is getting its 2nd 16 inch armed ship

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If they do mean F-16AJ, a late 70s proposed variant, gets AMRAAM, then yes. F-4EJ Kai was at least displayed with them while for the AJ they literally just didn’t exist.

But otherwise I am not sure, since while it was displayed with them, there seems to be no actual proof of capability.


Also as a fun sidenote, when JDAM was added it was reported to be incompatible with EJ Kai while on dev. Gaijin blamed players for their own lacking research because “players asked for it”.

By the way, the aircraft catapult on Amagi doesn’t seem to be real



I know, right?

That’s not the only issue I noticed; looking at the ship, it seems like Gaijin modeled her funnels after one of the final preliminary designs rather than the finalized design. Here’s the finalized design for reference:



Realistically there wouldn’t be many players upset if at all besides the usual subtree haters and maybe that one armchair hyper PRC nationalist that keeps making new accounts (looking at you Heinz). Unless you are thinking of Korea, which might actually be an issue.

As for another fake, this one would be their worst yet, since unlike the AJ there wasn’t even anything to base an AM off. Though they might as well just make a fake AJ modernization with how inaccurate the AJ already is to the proposal…

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FC-1 Xiaolong (PT №04-06)] = JF-17A Block I prototype. Kfir 2000 like Kfir C.10 from leak ?

Tornado GR.4 after F-111C and Tornado GR.1

Oh ! Vapor effect from dev server

13.7 for Ground RB and Ground SB ?

Yeah, to be frank, I don’t understand it at all. What’s the point of “passing for consideration” a ship that has been worked on possibly for month and that everyone knows is coming in the very near future since it was unveiled literally the day before ?

Kind of defeats the whole “consideration” thing.

we dont know that

JF-17 Block 1 is production variant and FC-1 PT №04-06 is prototype variant.

use me as “i want it” button if you want they add swiss F-5E to germany in this upcoming major update

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honestly I think it would’ve made more sense to give them the F-111K since that was actually designed and mostly built for Britain, the F-111C could’ve just been a squadron for the US

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