Damage models and fragging is absolutely out of control

I have been into a match with the hunter f58 and was shot at by two friendly f-5c’s at the same time (go figure, classic skillful players) while I was about to engage a Viggen (very balanced btw)
And this happened:

I was set on fire, blown both wingtips apart and somehow NOBODY managed to damage me.

Also: petition to not count the times you’ve been teamkilled as a “death”.

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Ha, that would be nice!

Had a Sim EC match yesterday with the F-5E FCU, got 11 kills, was shot down once by an enemy, twice by “friendlies”. 11:1 would sound better than 3.7:1… = (


dude this is just insanity. Teamkills are annoying and especially on my f-5c, i’m 3kd in it (with over 800 kills) and yet out of these 250 deaths 152 are teamkills. It’s the main issue with dogfighters in missile meta.