Czechoslovak air tree

L-39 with 4x R-60 missiles


Holy shit…Chad upper gunner capable aiming down

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I would like to see V4 tech tree. That would have enough unique vehicles.


I really doubt V4 is coming, because, well, one of the V4 nations is already coming into the game as a subtree to Italy. I personally wouldnt be against combined Czecho-Polish tree, but i think it could have some preety big problems and they would be better off added independently.


Hi there. Today Is a 2nd anniversary of warthunderczechoslovakia, and for this special occasion i have prepared a special - teaser/trailer for the Czechoslovak armed forces. The teaser Is meant to show some possible additions into the Czechoslovak techtree (only had to use vehicles that are already in-game for obvious reasons) and to support the idea of Czechoslovak techtree on my social platforms.

Hope you will like it :)


Why just one Avia B534 , there were 4 variants btw .

There are all 4 of them already in the tree actually. II., III and IV variants are foldered after B-534 I.

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A new update to my air tree after a long time. Added 4 new vehicles, changed BR of 2 and moved one into premium line:

New vehicles

JAS-39 Gripen C (Rank VIII, BR 13.0, researchable)


JAS 39C Gripen
1x 27mm Mauser BK-27
Max speed: 2125km/h

JAS-39 Gripen D (Rank VIII, BR 12.7, researchable)

Max speed: 2125km/h

L-29R Oko (Rank VI, 4.3, premium)

Armament: 2x 7.62 MG 17 (on pylons)
8x 57mm S-5 rockets
4x 130mm LR-130 rockets (HE or HEAT)
2x 100kg bombs
Max speed: 575km/h

Scout/light attack version of L-29. Its a bit chonkier than base variant due to attached cameras on the bottom and extra fuel on wingtips, which is why its at slightly lower BR than the base variant

B-36 HR158 (Rank III, BR 4.0, researchable)


4x 20mm MG151
2x 13mm MG131
Payload: 800kg
Max speed: 608km/h

Mosquito FB Mk.IV fitted with german cannons, machineguns and bombs. One prototype was made and succesfully tested in 1949, but it was made into a scout plane shortly after. Picture unrelated (no picture of the prototype exists/could be found), but the differences wouldnt be really visible on a photo anyway

Other changes to the tree

MiG-29UBS: BR changed to 12.0

MiG-29AS: BR changed to 12.3

SU-25K: moved to premium line

Number of vehicles after the changes

Rank I: 29 researchable vehicles + 10 premium vehicles

Rank II: 11 researchable vehicles + 4 premium vehicles

Rank III: 8 researchable vehicles

Rank IV: 8 researchable vehicles + 2 premium vehicle

Rank V: 12 researchable vehicles + 3 premium vehicles

Rank VI: 8 researchable vehicles + 1 premium vehicle

Rank VII: 10 researchable vehicles + 2 premium vehicle

Rank VIII: 6 researchable vehicles

Total vehicle count: 114 vehicles (making it the 6th largest tree, having just 3 aircraft less than the Japanese air tree and 25 more than the French one)

Of that:

73 original (64%)

41 copy-paste (36%)


Are you sure? Acording to few books I have, almost every Mosquito was rebuilded and there’s at least one photo of it.

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Really? I mean, i could find basically only source about this certain modification (B-36 HR158 : Československo, and this site used the book “Výzbroj čs.vojenského letectva 1945-1950 - 2.díl” from Miroslav Irra as their source) and i couldnt find it anywhere else.
I would be gladly wrong though. If you have more info about this plane (or atleast the photo), could you please share it in here or atleast send it into my DMs? It would help alot!


I have that book, and it’s clearlly state that prototype was succesfull tested, and another 12 modified. Book also mention that one B-32 was probably modified too. And here’s photo and plans from this book.


Thanks alot for those pictures!
If you have some more info about the PE-2FT (which is what the B-32 is i suppose, as that was its designation in Czechoslovakia), please let me know. Atleast an information whenever it was armed with the same stuff as the upgraded B-36 or with something else would be enough for me to put it into the tree.
Anyway, really appreciate the help!

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Here it get’s more complicated, since not only weapons change was planed, but engines too. (There were lack of any spare parts at all, and more than 50% was already unable to fly). In case of weaponary, every gun was intened to be change to german MG131, and bomb pylons also change to german ones, so carring german 500, 200 and 50/70 kg bombs was posibble. End there’s relly no info, if it was acctually done, and what exaclly was changed, not to mention what about engines.

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Sounds interesting. I probably wont put it into regular proposal unless i find evidence that one plane was actually build, but the fact that it was planned atleast would mean that i will be able to put it into the extended version of my air tree that im planning to create in the future (there will be as many planes as possible, so everything Czechoslovakia or its succesor states ever used and desined, including proposed/paper designs similiarly to my extended ground proposal).

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L-159 with Brimstones, TIALD targeting pod and Apollo radar jammer


Marconi Electronic Systems has carried out fit tests of its Brimstone anti-armour weapon, TIALD targeting pod and Apollo radar jammer on the Aero Vodochody light-attack L-159. The UK company, to be merged with British Aerospace this month, is competing for an expected Czech requirement to equip some of the 72 L-159s it has on order as well as those of potential export customers. The first is due for delivery this year.

“No flight testing is planned, but in due course it will be,” says Marconi marketing manager Bob Kemp. Competing laser designators include the Rafael Litening and Lockheed Martin Lantirn.

The Marconi Apollo jamming pod is the export version of the Sky Shadow fitted to UK Royal Air Force Panavia Tornados. The Brimstone has been selected by the UK for its Tornados, BAe Harriers and Eurofighters. Marconi supplies the L-159’s radar warning receiver, based on its Sky Guardian.


That looks like quite some effort. Very impressive! Hopefuly, it will help Gaijin devs.


Extended Czechoslovak air tree

Hi there. I´ve created an extended version of my air tree. In this version, you can find preety much all aircraft Czechoslovakia (and its succesor states) ever fielded, will field or designed that i could find. It also includes some very interesting paper designs:


Disclaimer: BRs and ranks are only approximate. Some of the new vehicles in this version of the proposal can be considered lacking in terms of armament and overall usefullness in the game, which is why i havent added them to regular version of my proposal, just the extended one. Addition of ranks IX and X to the proposal are meant to show future aircraft Czechia and Slovakia are going to field and the ability of the tree to have good counterparts against future aircraft additions to other in-game trees

New vehicles

Avia BH-26 (Rank I, BR 1.0, premium)


2x 7.7mm (.303) Vickers
2x 7.7mm (.303) Lewis turret
Max speed: 242km/h

Avia F-VIIb-3m (Rank I, BR 1.0, researchable)


1x 7.7mm Lewis
2x 7.92mm vz.28 turret
Payload: 800kg
Max speed: 208km/h

Avia C-2B (Rank I, BR 1.0, premium)


Armament 1x 7.92mm MG 17
Payload: 2x 70kg bombs
Max speed: 350km/h

Škoda Kauba V4 (Rank I, BR 1.0, researchable)


Armament: 1x 7.92mm
Max speed: 420km/h

L-60 Brigadýr (Rank I, BR 1.0, premium)


Armament: 1x 7.62mm vz.52

Payload: 2x 125kg bombs
Max speed: 193km/h

L-39CW (Rank VII, BR 10.3, premium)


Technological demonstrator of the L-39NG

L-159T2X (Rank VIII, BR 12.0, researchable)


20mm zpl-20 Plamen
AIM-120 (fitted for but not with)
Paveway II
(Its possible that the aircraft will also be able to use AIM-9X, JDAM, JAGM and Brimstone in the future)
Payload: 2340kg
Max speed: 936km/h

Technology demonstrator which tests new technologies to be used on future versions of the L-159 ALCA. This includes new wet wing design which will allow for both grater range and 2 extra pylons for missiles on wingtips, but also new avionics and weapon systems

L-169 (Rank VIII, BR 11.7, event)


Overall similiar to ALCA

F/A-259 Striker (L-259) (Rank VIII, BR 12.3, researchable)


Specifications unknown, but the aircraft should be overall better than ALCA (better radar, engine, wider range of weapons…)

Let C-11U (Rank II, BR 2.0, premium


Armament: 1x 12.7mm UBS
Payload: 200kg
Max speed: 460km/h

An-26 (Rank II, BR 2.7, premium)

Armament: none
Payload: unknown ammount of bombs (probably over 500kg)
Max speed: 540km/h

MiG-19PM (Rank VI, BR 9.0, researchable)


Armament: 4x RS-2U
Max speed: 1230km/h

MiG-21PF (Rank VI, BR 9.0, researchable)

Armament: 2x R-3S
Payload: 1000kg
Max speed: 2175km/h

MiG-23UB (Rank VII, BR 10.7, researchable)

1x 23mm GSh-23
4x R-13M
Payload: 1600kg
Max speed: 2500km/h

MiG-29UB (Rank VIII, BR 11.7, researchable)

1x 30mm GSh-301
6x R-73
Payload: 4000kg
Max speed: 2230km/h

MiG-29A (Rank VIII, BR 12.0, researchable)

1x 30mm GSh-301
2x R-27R
6x R-73E
Payload: 3200kg
Max speed: 2450km/h

F-16C Block 70 Viper (Rank IX, BR 13.3, researchable)

1x 20mm Vulcan M61
Max speed: 2414km/h

F-16D Block 70 Viper (Rank IX, BR 13.0, researchable)

1x 20mm Vulcan M61
Max speed: 2414km/h

F-35A Block 4 (Rank X, BR 15.0, researchable)


1x 25mm GAU-22/A
GBU-53/B StormBreaker
Paveway II
And many more…
Payload: max 8165kg on 10 pylons
Max speed: 1930km/h

(pic is just a placeholder, as no Czech F-35 have been build yet)

L-159 Sokol - early (Rank VII, BR 10.7, researchable)


Armament: unknown
Payload: unknown
Max speed: 1500km/h

L-159 Sokol - late (Rank VII, BR 10.7, researchable)


Armament: unknown
Payload: unknown
Max speed: 1500km/h

L-49 (Rank VI, BR 9.3, researchable)


Armament: unknown
Payload: unknown
Max speed: around 1000km/h

L-49 VTER (Rank VI, BR 9.3, researchable)


Armament: unknown
Payload: unknown
Max speed: around 1000km/h

L-39 M1 (Rank VI, BR 9.7, researchable)


Armament: unknown
Payload: unknown
Max speed: Mach 1-1.2

Aero B-34 (Rank VI, BR 9.0, researchable)


Armament: unknown
Payload: unknown
Max speed: unknown

Letov L-52 (Rank V, BR 8.0, researchable)


2x 30mm Mk 108
2x 20mm Mk 151
24x 55mm rockets
2x 210mm rockets
2x 250kg bombs
Max speed: 920km/h

Letov L-501 (Rank IV, BR 6.0, researchable)


4x 13mm MG-131
3x 20mm MG-151
1x 50kg bomb
4x rockets
Max speed: 590km/h

Avia B-46 (Rank I, BR 2.0, premium)


Armament: 3x 2x7.92mm vz.30
Payload: 2000kg
Max speed: 250km/h

Other changes

Let C-11: moved to researchable part of the tree

MiG-29UBS: foldered with MiG-29UB

MiG-29AS: foldered with MiG-29A

Number of vehicles as of now:

Rank I: 31 researchable vehicles + 14 premium vehicles

Rank II: 12 researchable vehicles + 5 premium vehicles

Rank III: 8 researchable vehicles

Rank IV: 9 researchable vehicles + 2 premium vehicle

Rank V: 13 researchable vehicles + 3 premium vehicles

Rank VI: 14 researchable vehicles + 1 premium vehicle

Rank VII: 13 researchable vehicles + 3 premium vehicle

Rank VIII: 10 researchable vehicles + 1 event vehicle

Rank IX: 2 researchable vehicles

Rank X: 1 researchable vehicles

Total vehicle count: 142 vehicles (making it the 4th largest tree, having 7 aircraft more than the British air tree and almost 5 times as many as the Israeli air tree)

Of that:

99 original (70%)

43 copy-paste (30%)

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I believe it would be best to split the fighter line into two separate lines, so to stick to Gaijin’s ‘3 in a row’ philosophy

Other than that it looks very neat!


Update of the extended air tree

Hi there. I´ve made an update to my air tree. Added 4 new aircraft, added a new branch which will incorporate mainly attackers, bombers and 2 seat/trainer variants of fighter aircraft, moved some planes between premium and researchable lines and also foldered few others. Overall the tree should look better and be far less grindy, having just 4 aircraft in row at worst per rank.

New vehicles

Škoda-Kauba P14.01 (Rank V, BR 7.3, researchable)


Armament: 1x 30mm MK 108
Max speed: about 1000km/h

Škoda-Kauba P14.02 (Rank V, BR 7.3, Researchable, foldered with P14.01)


Armament: 1x 30mm MK 108
Max speed: about 1000km/h

An-12BP (Rank V, BR 7.3, researchable)

Armament: 2x AM-23 turret
Payload: 11 000kg
Max speed: 777km/h

The aircraft comes equipped with NKPB-7 bombing sights and can carry up to 22x FAB-500 bombs. Bombs are dropped from the cargo bay with the help of belt conveyor type TG-12MB (bombing with it is preety incaccurate).

SU-25UBK (Rank VI, BR 9.7, researchable)

Armament: 1x 30mm Gsh-30-2
Payload: 4400kg
Max speed: 950km/h

(Two-seat variant of the SU-25K. Combat capabilities are the exact same, but its about 1 ton heavier, which is why i put it at lower BR)

Other changes

Aero A-11 Folder: moved to branch 4

Avia F-VIIb-3m: moved to branch 4

Aero A-42: moved to branch 4

Praga E-41: moved to branch 4

Beaufighter Mk. VIF: moved to researchable, branch 4

He 219 A-5 Uhu: moved to branch 4

Aero B-34: moved to branch 4

L-39 M1: moved to branch 4

L-159 Sokol early: moved to branch 4

L-159 Sokol early: moved to branch 4

MiG-29UB folder: moved to branch 4

F-16D Block 70: moved to branch 4

Letov L-501: moved to branch 2

Letov L-52: moved to branch 2

MiG-15SB folder: moved to branch 2

MiG-23BN: moved to rank VI

L-259: moved to rank IX

MiG-19PM: moved to premium

MiG-21PF: moved to premium

MiG-23UB: moved to premium

Su-7BLK: foldered with SU-7BM

L-49 VTER: foldered with L-49

(quite possible i missed a few)

Number of vehicles as of now

Rank I: 31 researchable vehicles + 14 premium vehicles

Rank II: 13 researchable vehicles + 4 premium vehicles

Rank III: 8 researchable vehicles

Rank IV: 9 researchable vehicles + 2 premium vehicle

Rank V: 16 researchable vehicles + 3 premium vehicles

Rank VI: 14 researchable vehicles + 3 premium vehicle

Rank VII: 11 researchable vehicles + 4 premium vehicle

Rank VIII: 9 researchable vehicles + 1 event vehicle

Rank IX: 3 researchable vehicles

Rank X: 1 researchable vehicles

Total vehicle count: 146 vehicles (making it the 4th largest tree after USA, USSR and Germany and just 1 aircraft less than France and Sweden combined)

Of that:

101 original (69%) nice

45 copy-paste (31%)

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