Current EC Map Size

Hello everyone, I would like to ask (if you know) which maps are the biggest ones. I will appreciate, If you can your feedback share like;

  1. Vitenam
  2. Denmark
    3)… etc

Thank you in Advance



Thank you for the detailed information

Are you sure about Smolensk? It feels much bigger than Stalingrad or Tunesia.

Well, the data is coming from the wiki: Enduring Confrontation - War Thunder Wiki

I dont think that list is right, Smolensk is bigger for sure. Just checked with the mission editor, the collision geometry for Smolensk is around 130 x 130 km.

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Then maybe the data in wiki is wrong.

Not sure I’ve tried it out yet in Sim EC, guess I will have to, haha!..

Yeah Im pretty sure most entries on the wiki are about a decade old. Can you see stats if you open the game from the browser?

Everything is bigger then actual map size dover is like 131x131 but half of map is never used.
