Again I am talking about all creews you just about planes.
In tanks you need lvl 45 for rank 5 and 65 for rank 6 or 7.
This game is not just about planes.
My example is also for tanks and I used my highest rank lineup at rank 6. In ground RB. I found that ground sim is not worth it as matches still only yield around 2k points but take 30 mins. There is no comparing ground and air sim. Air sim is more like enduring confrontation with changeing objectives and AI to get points in down times. In tank there are caps and players. If you have the caps thats it. After that you chase players. No AI for extra points.
That I doubt.
Without any GE used I am now at 7.7 sweeden, every tank except the comet, BKan and Chariot is spaded. My max creew is lvl 14. Which is very compareable to all ither nations I have.
I will go and look for the maths, but what you say is virtually impossible unless you averaged more than 100k RP a match.
Maybe you should reread your former arguments.
Edit: For your convenience, I have edited in his reply. He directly replies to your first false statement. If you base your reasoning on false data, it gets meaningless.
Maybe you shoyld read first.
As this is a direct response to the other guy talking about jets
Like just read the next paragraph where I once again talk about tanks.
Like did you even bother doing that?
Found it from the old threat.
A bit of aditional info. The threat is “why did Gajin mega nerf XP” and prior to that we learned that the most efficient way of grinding crew XP is using PVE (for tanks) due to multiple respawns and multiple vehicles as well as RB modifiers instead of AB modifiers.
One guy made a statement on how much XP he got in 50 mins and in my testing I also got close to that number so I used it for the math.
The rest is data from reddit and a youtube guide.
So you managed to get 150 XP in 50 minutes which you can only do once a day for full rewards.
so considering Leadership costs 4021xp to max, similar to reloading with its 3060 XP needed. then we add field repair on all which is another 3060XP per crew member (so between 9180XP and 18360XP with 15300XP(5 man crew) being the most common)
so for the best repair, reload and small buffs to everything else we need 22381XP to not be behind and have a decent enough level to get Expert and be competetive at around 6.0 to 8.7
So it would take you with the most efficient grind pattern and premium 125h to get this far. on a single slot So for anyone else that is more likely to be around 300h To max the crew you need 83784XP (according to Reddit, all else so far has been taken from skDoger`s great video about Crew Skils) which woldl take you around 466h for a single slot
Also there are two mistakes in my text.
- The reward is not limited to once a day, it can be done as much as you want each day.
- The 150XP are spread over multiple vehicles and not one one singular vehicle
Also we later learned that crew XP seem to be bugged and not correctly given after each match (again ground RB) so you can get 10k RP and just 50 instead of 100XP.
Which is mathematically impossible unless you grinded nearly 1million RP in that low BR range and somehow managed to not research anything.
Again you gain a set amount of XP for every set amount of RP. And you need a fixed amount of XP for skills and each skill gives 1 lvl per full level of the skill.
SO you need 83784 XP for a level 150 Crew. You are lvl 118 on one which is, dependign on skills selected, between 53k and 63k XP. You gain 1 XP every 100RP (RB). Meaning even for the low end 53k Creew XP you would have needed to grind 5.300.000RP on that slot alone. 5.3 million RP is enough to research every tank you have in that screenshot as well as every Rank 5 and 6 Tank of Sweeden, at the time of your screenshot.
So either You spend GE or you used leftover XP from planes and Ships. By just playing Tanks on the slots your results are impossible to achive.
My current Sweeden tree for ground and air
Sorry the discussion is about “Crew skills”
not Air crew Skills. Sure OP went ahead and mentioned his air skills, but Crew skills exist in every branch.
Yes. For that to apply he woulkd need to have done all that farming at RANK 1 as even at RANK 2 the penality would not be enough to have him sitting on essentially 20million RP to get all crews to that level but still not having finished rank V research.
For all of Rank 4 and 5 you need around 2million RP at rank 2 you gain only 30% of RP for Rank 5 research. So with around 20 mill in RP for those crew levels he would still have finished all of rank V by the time his crews are at such a high level.
And he Spaded most vehicles, meaning a significant part of research has to have happaned without penality. I spaded all and naturally ended up at the Next BR until th jum to the 7.7 vehicles. Spading everything to that point will always unlock the next higher vehicle.
So if that is the case he spaded his way to 5.7. Then stopped playing and returned to rank I where he ground out the remaning 17 million RP needed. But wait even then he would have gained 10% of all RP for research at RANK 5 so how has he only got around 160k RP in research done (remember just spading the LKV 42, Strv 74 and starting the T34 85 would give nearly 80k RP for that research)
Quite frankly he might have been able to farm that at RANK I in very specific circumstabces, but I doubt he did it in 3 months playing 1-3h a day.
“Crew Skills need to be removed”
is the topic.
It is not “Crew skill for air need to be removed”
you simply hyperfocused on one singular aspect
Would you care to explain how you get that figure? Which tables are you using? When I use a standard crew point table, I arrive at ~43 000 xp.
I assure you, neither have I spend GE on swedish crew XP nor have I used their oppulent navy for it. But as planes and tanks do share certain skills, planes may share up to ten logistics skill points with air. These would cost ~2600 crew xp. Deducting those leaves 40.000 xp on this crew.
In your computation you ignore the option to play more crew efficient game modes, like arcade. Which would lead to far less RP required. You also ignore events in low tier event vehicles. While these do no contribute much to the vehicle grind directly, they do deliver a lot of crew points.
And last, yes there is certainly some spill over from air.
And this is in the Air RB section. That may matter.
In my post.
As mentioned you need 83784XP for a lvl 150 crew.
That is the max cost of all Crew skill added.
Yes Arcade gives 3 times the XP but also only 30% the base RP meaning for 1k RP in Arcade you would need to do twice as much. It also does not change the RP you need for research. So in the end not a significant difference
Again. it is mathematically impossible that you have Multiple crews in the late 80s nad one almost 120 and still not have finished RANK V. Even if you only played arcade. So the overspill is significant.
Again just compare it to my crews in the same nation at a very similar research progress.
This is the general section brother… Air RB is the under section.
And again it does not matter. Crew skill are in all branches and hyperfocusing on one can not be seen as anything but ignorant.
And now how do you get the figures for me?
And wherefrom do you get the 83784? I consider 71130 to be a full crew.
After looking at your screenshots for a while, I came to the conclusion that you are doing something rather odd and inefficent. When I am in your situation in a new tree, I make sure that I only invest in cheap skills at first. Because I don’t care about the actual skills, I only care about the crew level at first. So I can expert crews. Which means I play rank I until my crew has enough cheap skills to expert rank II.
This has several advantages.
- You are not facing green vs ace any more.
- You start getting free talismans, which accelerate the process.
Are you serious?
Yep, back when I posted that number first it was the only info available. It was the sum of every single skill level added by hand. So a mistake must have occured.
Still it is mathematically impossible for you to have crews at that level without significant plane XP overflow or spending GE.
And the fact that you still have not given a straight answere to that (except for the 2600XP for logistics) I feel like you are just lying.
Again I showed my crews which are over between 80 and 110 levels lower than yours despite me being at the same point in the tech tree.
That is a massive difference of tens of thousands of XP. So unless Arcade now gives 50% XP instead of 3% you have a lot of explaining to do.
Yes, because I get less. And hence I wonder. As I said, I only get 40000. And that is using a spreadsheet. I suspect you have ignored the exponential nature of crew xp, as all your figures seem wrong.
Excuse me?
And just for more comparrison my other nations ground Crews.
Germany (Motsly old sim and RB as well as premiums and plane Overspill)
Russia (Pure RB)
US (Arcade and RB with two crews I spend 1k GE on each and some Plane overspill)
Britain (Pure RB some plane overspil)
As you can see not a single one of my Nations is anywhere near that level despite one being almost at the top, having plane overspill and lots of time played on premiums.
My nations with similar progression also have similar Crew Levels. As it should be.
Your levels are just absurd
Again I can not know what you speced and i used my own spreadsheet which is older than the one on the Wiki by a bit and i reduced accordingly.
And apparently pretty much on point.
Instead of 53 out of 83 you had 43 out of 72. Which is on point.
The times are ofc wrong in this case, by about15% but as they have not really mattered in this discussion it is of no importance.
Oh one thing ofc. WIth 10k less XP needed it is also 1mil less RP meaning the RANK I theory put forth is a bit more likely and RANK 2 could then have made up a very smal portion of the grind
Some. Some is a smal unit. In your case it would be around 60 to 80% of all your crew XP. That is the majority.