Crew Skills Need to Be Removed

I didn’t say that there weren’t other factors. Obviously there are other factors.

There is definitely a palpable difference and it’s not in “niche” situations. There are plenty of situations where having even a slightly higher G resistance/stamina will win you a dogfight.

Okay, if that were true, then why are you hell-bent on arguing the point? Do you have a dog in this fight or do you just like arguing about something that doesn’t make a difference?

World of tanks did crews pretty decently - they were assigned to a tank and cost a little bit to move them to other tanks at the cost of small credits (75%) or a small amount of gold for 100% - and you kept your perks. It was very easy to get even a 50% crew up to 100%.

Now having crew slots is also good - so you can put any vehicle you want and have base crew skills - minus paying for expert or ace.

However - it still stupid. I do agree the G situation is stupid and having an ace crew on my Jag has let me dunk on F5E’s.

Ground is even worse - double the points for air and not to mention how expensive these crews are just for expert.

IDK, I’ve never felt the need to ace anything using money yet.
For aircraft, experting is all that’s needed for the G-forces and bomb scattering improvements.
Going from 35 to 21 scattering is a bigger leap than 21 to 17.
And going from 5.9G to 6.2G is no real change IMO.

As for tanks, the biggest improvement is reload, which I have on KV-1E & M4A2 earned through just playing. Black Prince is just over halfway aced.

Maybe there should be a Silver Lions alternative to acing crews.
Say 3600GE worth of SL is 1,560,000SL. So let’s say a “free” acing costs 2mil, 2.5mil, or 3mil SL.
More than the GE cost, but still reasonable.
You want that M1A2 SEP aced faster than RP? I’d spend a total of 5,000,000SL to do that on a SEP.
I wouldn’t for BVM cause there’s no benefits, but that’s just me.

So a 20% increase from the base level is incignificant. And locking them behind literla 1000ths of hours of grind or a 10-50€ pay wall is not P2W?

Sorry but it is. It is a increase in performance locked behind a paywall. even just 1% or 0.000001% would be P2W.


Crew skills should like every other grind in War Thunder be reduced.

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Very good idea.

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Crew skills should not be able to be purchased with GE forcing players that skip to high tier to suffer.

P2W? Nah, except in the case of air but I fully aced my French air crew by the time I reached 8.3 so I can’t say it was insane. G force is the only thing “required” and I had that by level ~30

Reload rate is beaten by autoloaders and you lose the reload when your loader is shot anyway. They make autoloaders a really compelling choice beyond losing the reload when your loader is shot.

The grind should be less, they shouldn’t be purchasable with GE, they do serve a purpose though.

It does not matter if it is required or not. P2W is not “oh you need to buy that to finish the game” it is “This is a gameplay/damage advantage you get by simply paying which you could not readily get without paying real money”. Does not matter if it is “free” technically. Mathematically you would need to spend 2 years of your live playing just top tier to get Ace on all current top tier Jets, Tanks and Ships. If not more. And again the Ace crew is 20% more in all creew skills. Does not matter if for one tank that is just 0.1° of traverse and 0.1s of faster reload.

It is quite simply a P2W feature. Yes the impact is at times limited, but still. P2W is P2W.


All of them! -Gaijin

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It is the same effect whether it is immediate or gradual.

your “definition” is cherry picking an unimportant distinction - except insofar as it supports your illogical conclusion.

Remove. Maybe extreme, but they are certainly outdated and the fact that Expert/Ace is so unreasonably expensive a top tier needs a serious looking at. Especially as they are slot specific.

My suggestion:

  • Slot specific Expert SL cost to be reduced to 25% of the current cost (1 million SL to 250k)
  • Add any slot Expert for 75% of the current cost (1 million SL to 750k)
  • Reduce RP cost for Ace to be 1-1.5 times the RP cost of the vehicle. not the Current 3x, so from 1.28 million to 400-600k, but ideally on the lower end. (with Ace following the vehicle, so long as the crew is experted depending on above) (Also crew RP for Ace should start accumulating as soon as the vehicle is spaded, not when you have Expert)

For Crew skills in general. Crew XP gains need to be increased by at least double, maybe triple short term, before a total overhaul of how Crew XP works and Crew skills in general. I half get things like G-lock, as that is on the “crew”. But things like Turret rotation speed in Ground makes no sense to me, thats a vehicle limitation not anything to do with the crew.

That being said, G-lock resistance from the G-suit needs to be increased and G-lock resistance from Crew skill needs to be reduced proportionally. Some jets you blackout instantly without Ace, and that is just bad game design


THIS^^ is my impression…crew skills have a minor effect on gameplay…a few seconds more reloading or so. I actually think the other way around…i dont make an effort to improve crew skills…i just improve them as i play (for free)…no worth a big investment i think. (Just read the specs and the actual numbers…sometimes the improvement is 0.2s in reload)


As you don’t provide any proof, it is a mere speculation. You may be right and you may not be right.

Again, this is your guess. They sold backups for rediculous prices too. I am not sure if they sold many backups for these high prices.

People spend a lot of money if they BELIEVE there is a palpable difference in performance. I am sure you have heard of the placebo effect. So even if people buy Ace in droves, it doesn’t mean that this purchase is rational.

So any further reasoning based on this speculation isn’t really meaningful, as we don’t know the real figures.

The debate between Ace and Expert seems to ignore the immense effect that your internet connection has on your ability to perform.

Imho the single biggest pay2win item in this game is not even sold by Gaijin. Nothing made as much difference to my play as did the purchase of decent controllers.

Is crew skill p2w? I guess it is a mild form of it, yes. Would I rather spend my money on Ace or a decent controller setup though?

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Are you sure theyre dominating becuase they have 2 extra points in 2 crew skills.

Or are they dominating because they are more skilled?

Do you have proof that its because crew skills?

Because ive seen youtubers have a good idea where the enemy plane is even while blacked out with little to no control over the plane. And proceed to get the kill despite supposedly being at a disadvantage because they blacked out.


I find ACE has quite a meaningful impact when it comes to G-locking in planes. In something that can pull a lot of Gs, Like the Gr7, I was still fairly consistantly G-locking with expert and wasnt properly managable till I got ACE. Im expecting Britains next High G aircraft like the Typhoon is going to really need ACE. So I think some of it needs to be adjusted, with prehaps the G-suit mod having a bigger impact and crew skill a proportionally smaller impact

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Crew skill determines how quickly the pilot recovers from a blackout and perhaps how much control the player still has over the plane before and after. So…yes.

But is it a large enough difference to make it so that people with it have a clear and provable advantage over other players. Because every pilot in war thunder is slightly different.

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Yes. I have died many times while my pilot is taking a nap in a turn fight to someone who is obviously not so impeded…

Crew skills have a direct impact on performance. There are ways in which a player can mitigate such handicaps (like not turn fighting, or anticipating how slowly traverse or repair is), but those nerfs are very real. Lots of Utoobs demonstrate it if you can’t visualize the stats shown ingame.
Go take a lvl1 crew and fly it back to back with an aced one.

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But he may not turn at the same r with the same v.

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I find expert and ace make a massive difference in air combat in certain aircraft over just having max rank crew (can’t even imagine not having that these days, I doubt it would be at all playable with low crew rank) The hunters and harriers of perticular note as being massively improved by having both.

But it’s not always the case. Low G aircraft like the Tornado rarely hit G lock even without expert and whilst I have gotten expert for both, it was less to do with G lock and more other minor advantages. Like bomb dispersal for the Tornado Gr1

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