Crew Skills Need to Be Removed

If you think 20% is little you need to wake up.

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Lets take an example every US heavy player knows.
You destroy the Light tanks gun. With no skills he needs 32s to repair his gun, ample time to reload and kill him.
With full skills he needs 24s to repair. Still enough time
With expert he needs 19s to repair, just 2s for you to finish him off
With Ace he needs 16s to repair so he can repair and kill you 1s before you can reload your gun even with an ACE crew on your side.

So yea repair speed alone is a major difference between living and dieing in the CQC meta Gajin forces upon us.

Oh no you know 1 guy who can. That does in no way represent the hundrets of thousands of players. In fact it is almost certainly a case of “the odd one out” showing that it is abnormal and not the norm


Really not the point here.

This is one of the most absurd arguments. It is limited to Israel atm.
With all other nations, you can start at expert in rank one. So if you take any other nation and play with no crew skill whatsoever, this is by your choice or lack of knowledge.

And if you do so, the skill of that crew matters very little. You can shine at rank 1 with a level 1 crew, no problem. And you need to play very few missions to progress to rank 2 etc.

Only Israel is tougher!

Of course it is. It is the main point.

Translation problem?
Missing the point?
Avoiding the point?

It is 20% in terms of bar length. With most abilities, the actual effect is way under 20%. So don’t make it sound as if ace gives you 20% more ability. That is simply not true in general.

We can argue about the effect of crew skill, but we should stick to the real metrics.

For instance, in air AB, the last 20% of crew skill give you ~10% faster reload for bombs. And this is one of the big effects.
In Tank AB on an IS-2, the last 20% give you just 4.6% faster reload.

You need a rank 40 crew I think to purchase expert with any nation and then rank 60 to begin research/purchase ace.

Or do you mean vehicle rank as they dont start at rank 1?

The main difference between living and dying is not to bet on him having no skill and sit it out in the open.

All nations (less Israel) can expert LvL1 crews with rank 1 vehicles. Israel could too, but has none.

Were they turning at the same exact same speed and angle? How can you prove that it was crew skills in those instances and not player choice and player skill?

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Did not know that, though I think crew rank and expert/ace does have a more significant impact at higher tiers. Especially when it comes to air

E tu?
Ceteris paribus…

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But they do infact give you 20% more creew skill.
Like that is simply a fact.
Yes not every skill increases by the same amount, but that was not the point.

Ace is a 20% increase in the creew skills and it is locked behind a paywall.

True these 20% are not 20% faster reload. But that is because the baseline is 50% and not 0%.
A lvl 1 creew is 50% of the max while the ace creew is 100%.
Still 20% of the maximum creew level is locked behind a paywall.

So you better stay in the realm of “real metrics”

But it can be occasionally.
The game is not always to your own advantage and my scenario happens dozens of times each day and is by no means a fringe case.
So dont try to make it out to be.

My scenario is true and so is my statement. And so yours is wrong and dismissive of a real problem.

As I showed, 20% more skill can be 4.6% actual improvement. It is only marketed at 20% for those who want to believe. And that marketing works well. So lets not copy the marketing but get the real numbers.

You can get ace without paying for it, but it does take an age and is an insane amount of RP needed.

I don’t mind that Ace takes a long grind to get. The title is self explanatory, and Aceing anything should require effort.

What I do mind, is that it can be bought with GE. It creates a shortcut for lazy players with more money than sense. Having the Ace qualification should mean something. An Aced vehicle should be an accomplishment. Buying with GE completely negates that.

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And as I showed ace creew is 20% more points than expert.
And your numbers are frankly irrelevant as the increase in performance differs from tank to tank and skill to skill.
The only constant is that the creew skills increase from 8 to 10 points which is 20% more CREEW SKILL.

For one nation with premium and talisman and 6 slots it is sth around 4000h for just top BR.
That is a paywall.
For all tanks in a nation it would be more than 5 years of constant grind.