The % difference between expert and ace is smaller when there’s a G-suit mod in play.
More like Pay to progress. Yes, it does give a slight advantage to you. But depending on the vehicle you using in said slot it isn’t significant. Ex: If I use the B1 Ter in that slot only changes is more accurate artillery, repair, and crew possibly surviving more in a vehicle that’s already horrifying to fight in a down-tier engagement
… am i weird?
That’s just a load of horse manure.
They dont know how to do it. The original programmer may not even be around lol
Talismans get you crew skills and mod’s faster - what’s not advantageous about that??
Crew skills are important, and a “resource” players need to cultivate wisely. Especially at first. Advancing too quickly up the trees to higher BR’s/tiers without working the crew skills properly is not going to be very helpful for a player’s overall acct. And with the recent marketing push and in game devotion to all things high tier and modern tech, that “rush to the top” is more prevalent than ever. Yes, AB rewards 3x crews, which are based on RP earned in each battle, and it is definitely the best/quickest way to get crew skills up early on. I suppose this is by design as when the game was much younger more people played AB and particularly new players. Players must decide how many slots they wish to develop for each nation, this is also important and can play a large part in the process of “maxing” those crew skills. Most nations I would say a minimum of 5 slots need to be worked starting from day 1 . . 6 or 7 maybe, but no more than 8 total. But everyone plays differently. I also advise playing as many nations as you can, thru tier II or III at least. Get a “feel” for each nation & their vehicles and work those slots. I also advise that you research each vehicle it each tier and play them until they are spaded before moving on. This works the crew skills in your various slots more and you also get nice little RP bonuses for each “tier” you finish in the Modifications window as you go . . this sorta helps with the research even tho you take extra time to “spade” a vehicle. Another thing I suggest is whenever you get a new vehicle and put it in a slot, set it to “Expert” crew at that time. This does two things to help you, you get +3 points to every skill(Ace adds another +2 so Expert is the better deal since it costs only SL’s) and every game you play in that vehicle from that point on counts towards getting the “FREE” Ace. Yes it takes a LOT of games to get the FREE Ace, but even if you do not work it to the end, it discounts the GE costs as you go as well. Low tier Aces are pretty cheap to start with and cutting the cost in half or by 75% makes it much better. But as with everything in the game, the more you advance up the trees, the more expensive everything gets. Naval crew skills affect vehicle performance far more than it does with tanks or planes, but every little bit helps. Best thing is to take your time, try not to get into too big of a hurry & don’t sweat the small stuff(it’s all small stuff). This game is a marathon . . . that you never finish, so . . . enjoy the ride as best you can and try not to add additional pressure to yourself as you play.
Talismans allow you to get things quicker, which is not pay to win, they act similar to a premium vehicle.
Being able to purchase something that gives you a large advantage right away, is pay to win.
This game is aĺl about exploiting your enemy weaknes be it crew skill, golden eagle’s, silver lions, climb rate, turn rate, top speed, acceleration, low alt v high alt, high jo jo v flat turn, immalian v split s, dive v climb, turn v extend. This game will never be fair.
Paper, rock, scissors.
This game will never be fair.
Life isn’t fair too - and this is a war game.
I don’t see any major conflict in the last ~ 80 years were the parties fought fair in the sense of equal strength - maybe Iran - Iraq war was the only exception.
Even without crew skill advantage - knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your plane and of your opponents is the key factor for any kind of serious game play in Air RB outside rushing in for headons.
Biggest problem is creating lineups for different game modes. Sometimes you will need 2 ace crews for one vehicle.
Being able to purchase something that gives you a large advantage right away, is pay to win.
Well then let us put a two day activation timer on ace purchases. Then it isn’t pay to win. Problem solved.
I don’t see any major conflict in the last ~ 80 years were the parties fought fair in the sense of equal strength
Usually, if strength is balanced, only fools would go to war.
When I said “right away” I was saying that talismans don’t give you an ace crew in a very short amount of time. It would still be pay to win if it was like what you just said.
I get your point, but do you get mine?
Then what if Ace could only be bought once you reached 25% of the needed RP? Then you could not get it right away but needed to collect some points too.
I think the original point may have gotten lost because I am not even a “resources player.” I have had a premium account continuous for probably 4-5 years now. I have been playing the game since 2015. My highest level crew is like Level 120 out of 150…
If I am struggling with crew skills, the only people who aren’t are the people who literally do nothing but play War Thunder all day every day or who opt to purchase the Ace crew to skip the grind. The point is that crew skills are a pay-to-win mechanic even for the most dedicated players who have already invested heavily in the game.
A useful comparison are gotcha games like Raid… The top 5% of players who have already spent hundreds to thousands of dollars to make it to the top are milked by the devs for their money by continuously adding the “next best thing” which you have to buy if you want to remain competitive. Here, this takes the form of meta vehicles, modifications, and crew skills. Vehicles and modifications can be obtained easily enough for players with premium accounts, but Ace crews can’t within a reasonable time-frame (by the time you get your ace crew freely, WT will have released a new meta vehicle that beats the old meta). It’s WT’s equivalent to premium ammo.
I’m not saying WT shouldn’t be in the money-making business, but they need to find a new way to do it. This is both a pay-to-win mechanic and borderline predatory. It hurts everyone because instead of actually producing concrete content that everyone will enjoy, they instead are lazily turning to more passive forms of making money by selling buffs to a subset of addicts and occassionally releasing shitty maps and copy-paste vehicles.
Why does it matter if someone has a talisman, if someone goes through the tiers quicker than yourself it does not mean he has won, it might just mean he is going to burn out his game before you! And wast his cash.
Dont worry about what others are doing, its just a game after all
Imagine blaming crew skills for being bad at positioning and gunnery, reaching new lows here…
Crew skills make some difference when you have NONE compared to someone with lvl 75 + expert. But between expert and ace? Dude, you for real? The difference is tiny. You buy yourself into top tier on a fresh account by going straight to a Tier 7 premium with a level 1 crew, that’s on you.
Barely being able to go 1:1 in jets, that has nothing to do with crew skills.
You assumed a bunch of things which are untrue. Gaijin wouldn’t sell the qualification so high if enough people wouldn’t buy it at that price point to raise revenue, and people wouldn’t buy it unless there was a palpable difference in performance.
Why you would want to cry “skill issue” when removing this mechanic would help literally everyone is beyond my understanding.
Ace skill makes no difference to Expert crew in the amount of success you have in WT, there are much more important things to qualify as a good pilot. Crew skill is very very low on that list in an ARB setting.
There’s no “palpable difference” whatsoever, the difference between both Expert and Ace is so small that it becomes extremely niche in which case it may make a difference and even then it’s extremely small.
You’re here making a storm in a glass of water