Crew Skills Need to Be Removed

Is it not logical that if you don’t play much then playing since 2014 is irrelevant? Especially if I can catch you up in games after such a short time? Is that not why your crew are not fully maxed? They only really need to be in certain areas anyway…

I don’t play as much as you, which is an arbitrary benchmark, I still played since 2014.

Yet if I have more games than you, it seems even more questionable how you’re arguing that you have a bunch of maxed out crews with thousands of games less.

Yet you’ll spend hours on the forums arguing about why they should remain? Hahahaha.

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This doesn’t change the simple fact that paying gives you an advantage at lower battle ratings. Do consider there are wallet warriors who purposely pay to have an advantage these crew skills are a pay to progress/“win” in this specific context. That doesn’t necessarily mean they will win all the time since there inexperienced and likely a bunch of dumbos. Nevertheless, the feature itself does give you an advantage over others per slot.

I’ve paid lots of money, you just made up this weird fantasy world where you assumed I paid nothing for no apparent reason, it’s been incorrect all along. And also off topic all along.

The game is not fair.

Cool so if unfair games are fine and great, and shouldn’t be changed, especially ones where the unfairness comes from people paying for advantages, then:

Why is it, do you suppose, that no pro sports have ever implemented any such “pay for an advantage in the game rules” feature, then? Or chess? Or the 100m dash? Or wrestling? Or any other game that’s lasted many decades or hundreds/thousands of years?

Surely it would help fund their sports, and it doesn’t matter apparently if it makes the game unfair, so why is everyone except you blind to this wonderful opportunity?

I just used my points to max out the driving in the driver section and the re load times for the loader etc. Not brain surgery. It was about the only intelligent thing I did early on.
I am just like Sadlamer who has had 28k games and can’t understand why anybody at top tier would not have decent crews. It’s a fair point he makes.

The length of time you have been registered matters not if you never play does it?

You really think I spend hours on here? You claim to you are pay to play but why would you campaign to get rid of something you paid for? It is the same as those who moan about how OP a vehicle is then claim they own it. If it was so OP you would be using it to get kills and shutting up about it not begging the devs to raise it’s BR.

I don’t know what’s so intelligent about maxing out the driver and loader, nor is that the same thing as maxing out your crew as that’s just 2 stats.

Being at top tier clearly doesn’t’ correspond with having maxed out crews as that doesn’t remotely progress the same way, unless you throw money at it, which makes the top tier argument irrelevant.

The old off topic line is just desperation, this is very much on topic. It is about something players have paid for. By all means rework it or ditch it but make sure compensation is paid.

Absolutely! ;)

My man, you have 42 posts in this topic and climbing. This will be my 14th as the OP. And my comments are way shorter XD

If it’s relevant, what $ value that I’ve paid would change your answer or response from anything you’ve disagreed with to suddenly agreeing instead? $1? $100? $1,000? Or would no number do that, making it… off topic?

What are you on about there? You lost me. I said I max out in each section what matters most. Only certain things are going to matter though, aren’t they? I can understand reload times are an issue, but I covered that pretty early on, surely you must have.

Also, not only WOULD I HYPOTHETICALLY not care, but I ACTUALLY in real life don’t care, when this exact thing happens to me, because it has happened on numerous occasions.

Just last month, for example, I bought the Sherman III/IV during the sale, then like a couple days later I think, it went into the war bonds chests and now a bunch of people get it for free. Do I care? No. Was I mistreated? No. I got exactly what I paid for and was promised. Doesn’t matter if the price was lowered later for others. Nobody scammed me.

Same thing if someone pays for crew skills, and KEEPS them, but other people later on get them cheaper.

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your crew levels should all be about maxed.

Is that not why your crew are not fully maxed

I max out in each section what matters most.

Sounds like goal posts are changing from maxed crews to just maxing out a few stats.

Aren’t you privileged that your topic is so popular. Well done on your short comments. A true sign of a real man ;)

Any chance you can do my tax returns for me? that is what is keeping me at the computer. Thanks for the diversion though…My man.

LOL, don’t throw shade if you can’t take it. You’re the one who said we spend hours crying over crew skills.

The OP is crew skills need to be removed. I say they don’t that is all.

I also, said that I used GE to improve the secondary Nations like Chiana and Japan while my mains two were just done over time. I am no great player and top out at mid BR. I did buy a Gold star on a couple of my absolute top go to’s

Hardly game changing but that is the attitude of the F2P player. They are convinced that they are missing something huge.

Premium time is good for RP and SL and climbing no doubt and I noticed the hit not being on Premium. The rest is window dressing really.

Only thing I would say is in Air battles the G tolerance ability is cheeky and could or should be there for all as having your pilot simply black out is just a game killer.

It is easy to forget that Air that he plays is not GRB with CAS that I play.

No need to get shitty my man ,stick to the LOL.

I actually agree with you over the G tolerance. Its bullshit needs to go in ARB, the rest I am fine with.

Crew skills have not been adjusted in over a decade and it’s a crappy old system like many other in the game that’s been neglected, the 3x arcade reward stems from a time where ground forces were not even in the game.

Like I cannot describe how insane it is that this a system that has not been adjusted for something that happened 10 YEARS AGO.

Then the massive discrepancy between air and ground, which as always heavily favors air as most things seem to do, having a single crew member that only needs some gforce and stamina upgrade to be competitive opposed to ground forces with half a dozen crew members and a ton of stats spread out.

The progression needs to be equalized, the ground requirements need to be vastly reduced by amounts vastly over 50%, arcade and realistic should not have differing rewards either.

The impact is difficult to measure but it’s massive, being able to repair significantly faster, reload faster, move faster, faster turret traverse, faster aiming, faster crew repair, more survivable crew and all those things cannot be brushed off as being insignificant.

Coming in here saying how you have maxed out crews somehow by just playing for a few years is completely bogus unless you paid for it.