Although i share a similar view on things is have a deviating pov regarding p2w.
p2w is and was, technically seen, possible. It might differ from mode to mode, but you might agree that some vehicles (mostly premium) are far too low in BR due to this stupid "“on average results based BR setting” policy.
So if an experienced player buys on of those op vehicles his chances to win a match increase as the combination allows him to have a bigger impact than in a non-op vehicle, so he leverages his experience advantage with the undertiered op premium vehicle.
Best example is the the Wyvern. Until they deleted the af aaa on the forward airfield the top speed advantage combined with airspawn and good climb up to 4km made the plane almost impossible to catch - and flown as a fighter it was very common to see guys with 5-7 kills with one ammo load. So just by the sheer number of kills he could have a significant impact on the numbers game, giving his team better chances to win.
I also see f2p more holistic - so the game is designed to lure players into spending money. Players without investments are seen as useful to fill lobbies and to play targets for paying customers.
Imho your view might be correct if you refer to Ground RB in which things like reload rate etc. make a difference in a direct confrontation (like a shootout at O.K. Corral) with a similar vehicle without an aced crew.
But those factors are from my pov not really relevant for aerial warfare (at least for props) as fights between experienced players are mostly decided by positional advantages, used tactics and overall strategy.
In addition the “size of ur gun” or reload rate is not relevant (like some things irl, nice to have) as the main challenge is to get your guns on target (also like irl).
The OP referred to the topic in general - but from my pov the rookie player in an undertiered plane like an XP-50 will lose every fight vs an experienced player in a B7A2 even if he buys the ace qualification as he still lacks the experience to use the full potential of his plane and is not aware of the weaknesses of his plane - in other words he is not able to play around conceptual or technical disadvantages of his plane like overheating, low rip speed or insane compression at very high speed - and the more experienced opponent is able to benefit from his lack of experience.
Assuming the case that you meet an identical c+p plane (like P-51 C) on identical energy state the more experienced/skilled pilot will win, the differences between expert and ace crew are imho too small to compensate the experience gap.
This is for sure true if the technical gap included in the 1.0 BR difference is too large to close with experience. If your enemies can’t pen your tank they can be skilled like hell - if you meet them, they might have no chance.
But as said earlier - it is a matter of mode and BR. So if you run in a full uptier with a jet without flares you might be able to dodge a few missiles, but you can’t equalize speed advantages, too many dodges, you get slow and you are dead.
I personally like full uptiers as the conceptual advantages of my 2 more or less exclusively flown BR 4.0/3.7 planes actually increase, they both have very good turn performance in sustained turnfights, dive brakes and a very good/acceptable handling at higher speeds - and my enemies get faster and better armed, but less nimble.
And this in total opposition to full downtiers where planes have way better turn performance - so as i beat every average F8F pilot in my SM 92 in a full uptier, i have severe issues in full downtiers fighting stuff like a Yak-1B on equal energy states below 4 km…
You might want to check this squad on thunderskill. They focus on rank I and II planes in order to push their total kills, K/D and WR - they basically use the same planes, all known to be rather undertiered and able to fight in full uptiers, but absolutely op in full downtiers.
Have a good one!