So at the moment we have a proper balance.
Things are put on B.R. based on how they perform in the game, as they should.
So at the moment we have a proper balance.
Things are put on B.R. based on how they perform in the game, as they should.
But realism is not considered at all. On a gradient we are 100% to 1 side.
It is an online F2P PVP game, balance is what should be taken into consideration.
Stop avoiding the matter. Balance should be taken into consideration as well as realism.
The ratio can be 50-50, 70-30, 30-70 or whatever you want. Currently we are 100-0.
You can’t do both and never will.
The only way to have balance is to base B.R. of vehicles by performance.
Balance is not something you have or don’t have. If that was the case, then there’s not a single game that’s balanced.
Balance is not just 0 or 1, but everything in between. It may approach 1, but can never reach it.
I can live with it as it is but do we fear change? I mean ,I wont hold my breath but the game is not what it was 12 years ago. It also didn’t have the issues it has now 4 years ago when I started.
We can go that route, ok.
With realism we are approaching 0 more and more no matter the ratio we are going to take.
Yeah the up tier/down tier sees to that ,very little is balanced in this game
Sorry, I will try to make it easier.
With realism taken into consideration when talking about balance as You have described it, we are not approaching “1” as balance but rather “0” as unbalance no matter the ratio of performance/realism we are going to use.
That’s not true.
Right now we have like 0.8 balance and 0.1 realism. We can easily make it 0.8 balance and 0.5 realism, simply by swapping the imbalance caused by statistical anomalies or premium bias for historical imbalances.
With that we will go further away from balance meaning more B.R. adjustments are going to be needed, meaning we will again go further away from realism.
More realism doesn’t always mean less balance.
To put it simply, an OP unhistorical tank can be replaced by an OP historical tank (for given BR). Nothing changes, balance is still not ideal, but it’s gotten more realistic.
“Things are not balanced, so who cares”, yea again, sorry but no.
The issue is gaps for sure but we have gaps ,we have had gaps for years and we still have gaps with Gaijin showing very little intention of filling them .In fact only on this current update have they bothered to address the glaring SPAA issues we had mid BR.
They would have to scrap vehicles,remove them from the game which is why I suggest a new game of post war to top tier. They certainly have an issue with putting Israel in at WW2 tiers and one must ask why? why if WW2 does not matter do they not have Israel in the WW2 BRs levels? History ! That is why, so nobody can say history is not a factor here.
That’s just adjusting for Gaijin’s current incompetence.
I think 0.9 balance and 0.7 realism is achievable and would be preferable for most, I would prefer 0.8 balance and 0.8 realism.
Ideal of course would be 1 balance and 1 realism, which we should strive for. Given that it’s unlikely, balance should be prioritized, but realism shouldn’t be left behind.
I don’t think anything higher than 0.9 balance is achievable, so you can think of it as prioritizing to the max balance and putting spare resources into realism. These resources wouldn’t get you any higher than 0.9 balance anyway.
Sorry but it will never work.
The only way to properly balance things out is to do it by performance.
Closed mind.
If you want this approach, then at least advocate for human input. Statistics are a poor way of balancing, there are so many factors unrelated to vehicle’s quality that can impact it’s statistics.
It is just how things are and work.
There already is human input as humans play the vehicle and their performance in the vehicle is what dedicates the end B.R. of the vehicle.