Create a gap between ww2 and cold war vehicles and tech

Always nice to hear from you Aurenkarach. Interesting reading for sure as always.

I too know my WW2 history and I managed to track down a nice picture for you.
It’s Michael Wittmann’s M109G that he used during the famous WW2 battle of Alvis Wisla that took place in the midwest of America in 1961 ,where Wittmann famously destroyed no less than ten South African concept 3s single handedly before being taken out by the M51 of Israeli gunner Edward Van Halo VC(No relation).

Nice to hear from you,not so sure about the Gaijin laziness though. You take care my friend.


We dont even need to bring date of production into this.
Its just simply, if a vehicles has:
-laser rangefinder + HEAT FS

it should be separated from ww2/cold war heavies in matchmaking. .
Stuff like the R3, or the Italian leo spaa, or the finish bmp are balanced…
This would bring back armor meta and create an enjoyable early top tier.



As much as I hate seeing Stuff like the R3, or the Italian leo spaa, or the finish bmp in lower tiers,it is the effect later war vehicles have on game play that annoys me and makes the game unplayable and not the realism/immersion.

Being killed with one shot from distance front on at 6BR while playing in a Tiger so often is just a new thing and a turn off.The move of German armour to 6 then the M109 spam at 6BR just killed my favorite BR which was 6BR.I find the game so much more fun at 3-5 BR now.I guess there is no going back,it’s just a shame.


Yeah, move STRV m/38 from reserve to 9.0

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My brother in Christ its a 152mm HE shell, it can overpressure top tier vehicles so I dont know what you where expecting.

So let them fight top tier vehicles.

Dirt take

It’s a dirt take to think it’s fine for a Maus to be trivially one shot by vehicles 1-2 BRs lower.

A maus can be oneshot by a sturmpanzer, your point?


Sturmpanzer to 11.7, got it!


I’m not agreeing with you, I’m trying to see where these Era splits should be implemented. I mentioned the Interwar and WW2 split and you said

I’m trying to figure out why you think it should apply to 1 or 2 sections of the game and not everything.

You won’t actually discuss anything about it though, as shown by your previous posts. You’re merely a troll who just wants his way with no actual reason other than “I don’t like it because it makes things hard for me”. Perhaps we should put a difficulty slider like your favorite conparison, FIFA. I could see you setting the difficulty as low as possible so you can just score and score because losing makes your heart hurt so badly.

Oh boy, I had to edit this post because the flagging system is abusable and someone didn’t agree with what I said.

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Regardless of whether the 155mm shell is from the 1800s or from yesterday, it’s still a damn 155mm shell.
Such explosives don’t care about whatever it got shot at, regardless of what time period it was from.
Can you really sit there and act like a 155 from the 40s would affect the Maus any differently?

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It’s a dirt take to think large caliber heavy explosive shells wouldn’t devastate any armored vehicle if hit directly, let alone the crewmembers inside. It doesnt help that Warthunder doesn’t have realistic metal damage in which the metal can deform or tear like it would in real life. The overpressure system does a decent enough job replicating that vehicles would get absolutely dusted by direct 155mm HE hits.

Found this after a quick search. Doesn’t show a direct impact, but shows the huge amount of damage of close impacts.

Here’s some more.

Oh boy, I had to edit this post because the flagging system is abusable and someone didn’t agree with what I said.


I have never asked for strict separation and neither did the OP as far as I can see.Just some form of separation along some lines to make the game work as at certain BRs many feel it falls apart.

Its only a game mate

Then deal with it or quit playing.

Makes no sense to come to the discission area of the forums and then refuse to discuss things…

By your order great fuhrer 😆

Yep, just a troll.

Only because I make you look silly, you have no real point to make and never did.

You’ve said nothing, and refuse to discuss anything. You’re the “silly” one in this exchange. You can’t even doscuss the idea you want to happen. You’d rather talk about other video games instead. Perhaps Warthunder is a bit to advanced for you.