Create a gap between ww2 and cold war vehicles and tech

Nay, I simply discard maturity for the point of humor!

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No harm in that ,keep smiling ,keep laughing.

I know your post is not directed to me but I know what you mean,I joined the Army in 1988 until a back injury forced me out in 96.That is why I don’t want any part of tanks I know, like I struggle to watch tv programs about the places I have been and worked in as I know its all rubbish.I will sit and pick it apart and annoy the wife :)

For me the game is fun and big part of that is actually the pretense of realism rather than actual simulation.WT does a huge amount to give that illusion of realism otherwise UK tanks would have MGs and APHE at Tier 2 and nobody would be asking for spal liners on the M1 or posting complaints that the front armour on a Panther G is 2mm too thick.

This a game where people go to prison for breaking the official secrets act such is the passion for accuracy yet we have vehicles with 40 years between them on the same map ,a map which is probably set in a country that never even saw a war.See where the problem lies? To me it is an issue of laziness ,its poor quality control and it’s a shame.

We maybe all know our history but there is an art to making games for history lovers and WT is failing currently in a way that it maybe didn’t 3 or 4 year ago.It has pushed to many too far too quickly it seems.I have discussed this with many on here. I think no matter how much we suck it up and suspend disbelief we can only accept so much.For me the artillery spam at 6BR was a step too far and if it comes to 4-5 BR in the same way I am gone for good and no way will it be just me.

One day the fanatics will look at the servers ,see them all but empty and ask where did everybody go?


The Ha Go is not time traveling. It’s WWII era tank fighting WWII era tanks.

The Ikv 103 fighting WWII tanks, instead of the Cold War tanks it was intended to fight, is time traveling.


The bottom line is ,it’s all about covering mistakes.I would love to be able to say that the game balances the German Jadgtiger by cleverly giving the allied opposition more CAS but I cant as nothing that clever exists in WT ,they have to chuck a load of post war stuff in at 6.7 to even vaguely make the game work with German super heavies then we have the horror of 7.7 which the game also has to endure due to the other broken element of BR ,the down tier .The game has just become about a load of tank shaped pixels firing at each other over a round circle with a letter in the middle. Faceless and somewhat juvenile really.The shallowness of the game reveals itself mid BR assuming you didn’t spot it earlier.

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Devil’s Advocate position:

M26, IS-3, IS-2, Tortoise, and Ho-Ri Production have no place facing vastly more powerful cold war tanks like Maus, M103, M46, M56, M41A1, Panther II, M47, T-54, IS-4M, Su-122-54, T-44-100, T-10A, Object 268, Centurion Mk1, Charioteer Mk VII, G6, Conway, FV4005, ST-A1, Type 61, M36B2, Type 62, Type 63, PT-76, M41A3, M64, C13 T90, BTR-80, M36B1, ELC Bis, AMX-13 FL11, AMX 13, M4A4 SA50, AMX M4, Panther Dauphine, AMX-13-M24, everything Sweden…

Wait what-

You know, I more expected people to get weird at the fact Centurion M1, Charioteer, and M35B2s are present.
Chi-Ri II likely wasn’t necessary for the list, but I put it in mid-way and forgot about it by the end.

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You are delibrately confusing the two types of realism. WT aims for the tanks to be realistic (their stats, armor, how they move and shoot, etc) but not the gameplay.

This is perfectly normal and fine- it isnt a WW2 sim, and it shouldnt be. WT aims for realism in viecles, their models, guns, etc- but not in gameplay. This is delibrate- not very many people want to play a straight sim. The balance system we have now is perfectly fine, and to be fully honest I am pissed at the big three getting annoyed because of ‘muh historical realism.’

Its a game.
Grow up.

The ones that made me do a double take were that, the maus, and the Panther Dauphne lmao

Maus makes sense cause it very much would’ve been a 1947 or 48 introduction.
And Panther Dauphine was a later 40s introduction into the French Army. XD
I’ll edit-out the Chi-Ri II especially since I can’t remember its prototype stage.

Realism is a sliding scale. One the one hand, you have pure arcade. Think GTA-esque. Where a tank is just a big, armored box that drives around blowing up everything with it’s main gun. What’s it firing? Who knows! What’s it’s armor profile? Who cares! It’s there to be the laymans idea of a tank, nothing further.

On the other, you have full sim. Closest that comes to mind right now is Gunner HEAT PC, or maybe DCS for aircraft. There is a slavish attention to realism, not just in the modeling of the tanks, but how they’re used, what maps they’re put on, what conditions they would have been fighting in, etc.

War Thunder is somewhere in the middle. It strives for mostly accurate depictions of real vehicles, with a simplified control scheme and simplfied gamemodes to make it accessible. It’s not just about making vehicles that feel real to life, but also putting them into a game where anyone can pick it up and enjoy them.

We don’t have to deal with the very realistic but very tedious aspects of actual tank warfare. We don’t have to worry about maintenence, supply, recon or unequal air cover.

When you get damaged, you can repair and get back into battle, rather than being forced to bail out and run back to your own lines.

You don’t have to worry about concealed AT guns knocking you out without warning, or infantry hiding in buildings, throwing molotovs on your engine deck and gunning down your crew.

Ultimately, when it comes to realism versus fun, Gaijin mostly goes with fun. They have for a very long time. And part of that is ensuring that when you spawn in you know that your team is approximately equal to the enemy team in numbers and capability of vehicles.

And a strict WW2/Cold War seperation breaks that. It would cripple countless minor nation lineups throughout the tiers, effectively making those players dead weight if they end up on your team. And it would hand an absurdly huge advantage to the handful of nations who produced powerful late war tanks. If the majors are rolling around in IS-3/4s, T95s and Mauses, what are the minor nations supposed to bring? A Tortoise? A Pershing? A Ho-Ri Prototype?

This would create two new matchmaking blackholes, one at the penultimate WW2 era stuff would would be seeing constant uptiers into the late WW2 era tanks who would completely dominate them, and one at the tier above wherever the low tier Cold War era tanks ended up, who would in turn bully them mercilessly. Can’t wait for my lowly AMX-13 to fight T-54s every single game.


You cant prove me wrong by agreeing with me 😆 😆

You come out with " muh historical realism " and are ready to accept Star wars vehicles in the game then tell someone else to grow up? 😆 it is obvious you are a kid or a teenager 😆

Your post just like every other argument on this topic tells us things we already know about the game and in a way like you are breaking news.We can all see the game for what it is.We can all suspect that Gaijin will never change things and we can see gaijin made some mistakes that it can never roll back.My point is ,yes I would like a WW2 type split as like others that is what play most of the time.I also advocate putting top tier in a more modern world on more modern maps.I think the issue is one of doing what is right for the game.for example I agree including the Centurion in WW2 is passable but the Maus was just a mistake and we all know that Gaijin must have been in debate themselves because it was removed forcs long time.My point is if you dont be protective over certain issues you lose it completely and for me by abandoning all pretense of reality the game of late has taken a huge nosedive.

Yes I have to agree that was a very juvenile post lol :) Angry teenager?

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At the least, we need to agree vehicles that are technically close should face against each other.

G.91 and A-4 is subsonic jets that flown after Korean War iirc but, you know they shouldn’t face against late 1950s supersonic jets such as early MiG-21, EEL because of huge performance gap.

Also Me 262 C-2b and Me 163 B-0 is WW2 era aircrafts but, shouldn’t face against late props.


Maybe we should try it again but limit op tanks

That just makes certain players locked out of potential vehicles, which is never what you’d want

I’m sorry to hear, my friend. I hope you’re doing okay now and that life is being kind to you.

Exactly, what War Thunder achieves very convincingly is suspension of disbelief. The rational part of your brain knows that you really shouldn’t be on Sun City right next to a Panther II, but the vehicles look so lifelike and amazingly reconstructed that for the duration of the match at least, you forget about that. It’s pretty great immersion, and it’s much more important than pure realism… Or we’d suffer from chronic tinnitus every time we get hit!

There have been, what, less than 20 serious leaks in WT history? And only a handful which were truly the dire kind, like the Challenger stuff. How many players are online to play in a day?

There’s like, five orders of magnitude of difference.

Always remember, the forum is an echo chamber. Most people don’t care. They log in, play for a couple hours, then do something else.

It’s smart optimisation of resources. If you’re making a map, you’re making a map. It takes a set amount of people and time. Money too. Making it so that as large a part of the playerbase can use it as possible, is not laziness. It’s rationalisation of effort.

Tiger IIs never fought in Tunisia. But I’m glad I get to play it. And I’m not even on the arcade side of the spectrum, I literally wrote papers about Nazi economic policy during my university years, I’m supposed to be the core target audience for the ultra sim stuff, and yet here I am.

What Gaijin has done is the most commercially sensible thing, tbh.

And they’re being rewarded for it, with the largest playerbase the game’s ever had.

Also, it never made sense to me that Gaijin gets called lazy. I personally can’t think of another game dev that adds so much free stuff to a game on a regular basis, in good condition too - when then Battlefront sells DLCs in unplayable states for 15€ like it was normal…