Countermeasure caliber size choosing

The loading of different caliber countermeasures is done separately.
Is this implemented yet?
How do i do this?
I play Sweden and i’m currently using the JAS39A, i can’t find anywhere where this setting is done.

if your plane carries two different calibers of flare (ie regular dispenser + BOL in the JAS39C, or the F-5E) you will just have two sliders, one for normal caliber and the other for large caliber. I dont have the JAS39 but I do have the F-5E, and it carries 10 large CMs and 30 normal CMs so you get two chaff/flare sliders

Oh, i read it as being able to choose large or small flares to be loaded.
The IRL JAS39 has the choice of large or small (and giant) flares to be loaded into the planes body so that’s what i thought this new function did.

That would be cool if they made the functionality of countermeasures more detailed like that. Varying effectiveness based on the actual model and caliber of the flare/chaff used, CM dispensers having different capacities for flares or chaff packets (ie the IDS Tornado’s pair of underwing dispensers carry a combined total of 56 flares and 1040 chaff)