Contrails only appear when the enemy is spotted by radar

Gentlemen, I’m confused.
I haven’t flown for half a year, but I don’t remember if this was a thing before.
Here’s the issue: the contrail (vapor trail) from an enemy aircraft only appears if I actively scan them with the radar. The video I’ve attached demonstrates the problem. As soon as I turn off the radar, the contrail from the enemy plane disappears. This issue isn’t exclusive to Soviet aircraft; it’s just that I only got around to recording and posting it today. Has anyone already filed a bug report on this? Or is this now the intended behavior?


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Yeah, it happens to me as well, I see an enemy at really high altitude, if it is far from me it disappear until I turn on the radar and point it at him so it appears again, we should report it

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Wow. WT spotting was always janky, but this is a new level 😂


I think the contrails just expose what was always there… but it’s not just radar, it’s also with your eyes linked to your “keen vision” perk.

No… it’s clearly a bug.

Try it. Fly on sinai with no radar for a while to the middle of the map and turn it on and off. The contrails appear and then magically stop showing.

Nothing to do with keen vision.

amazing, I reported it too

It’s an old bug, it happens sometimes with enemies far away

I meant expose the bug that was already there, for the record.

But also, it may not be a bug since it’s also linked to their Keen Vision ability (which is overridden with the radar).

Either way it’s a dumb “feature” - we should be able to see it if it’s there; this is also related to the “sound issue” people also have pointed out (if you or a teammate hasn’t spotted an enemy their engine sound and cannon fire is silent).

>Looks inside

Hm yes, gaijin moment. Accepted means: “we saw it, looked at it, then never gave a damn again”


right, the “fix” could be making it so radar doens’t turn on the trails (so you just don’t see them until your keen vision kicks in).
