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This is me upon hours of reflection since my one and only Naval AB match.
Gaijin is Bret Hart obviously.
You just wanted to put your “sharp shooter” on. All you had to do was just ask me if these changes would be good or not. I’m literally right here. You could have just asked me. Why didn’t you just ask me?
Someone in a Naval thread hit the nail on the nail when he said you guys butchered AB and turned it into a Mobile game. That’s exactly how it feels. No, I’m not him.
Now as for Realistic, I have been considering trying to make the shift. I don’t appreciate being forced especially since I grinded so much time for Air optimization and crew points and premium purchases. I’ve felt the desire because I finally attempted to get the Exchange Coupon from the previous naval event which was just absurdly tedious even in Arcade with top multipliers and all this optimization.
My criticism is that you guys created and deleted game modes with this change. AB no longer exists. This Mobile mode, for lack of a better term, is so horrendous, that I fear to play it because I know I will lose my aiming skill for when I ever care to commit to Realistic, if I even can (due to the monitor situation like I said). So I’m in the position of not playing Naval anymore which is such a profound loss of time and resources I will go back into a melodramatic sinkhole if I think about it too much. I even just grinded weeks of Japanese to get these jets that are being removed. FFS!!! THE ABSOLUTE RAGE I FEEL
You had so many options available for gradual nudging, and you somehow failed on every step. You adjusted the Lions gain from killing AI boats. Why not solely give that to RB??? Why not create a new Naval Mode with AI opponents that scales and fits in below AB? It would contradict with current themes to move AB to RB and RB to Sim, but maybe something like that could have worked. Allow people to grind RP in the current AB mode. Maybe call it NB for Noob Battles. So you could have NB, AB, and RB for Naval. Just make it to where you can’t Event grind in NB. Maybe even leave out BattlePass tasks from NB.
As for other patch changes. I do appreciate the BR adjustments in the French Bluewater tree.
I haven’t tested out the compartment damage changes because I’m still beside myself. I actually constructed my own padded room to cry it out whenever there’s a WT patch. I’ve been in there for days leading up to patch day actually. I think I’ll go back there. I am devastated.
P.S. I also hate these UI menu changes that somehow required yet another change. Crew, Mod, Test Drive etc have all been shrunk, and their outlines curtailed. This stuff is so irritating I want to break my teeth from bite gripping in rage.
Oh my actual suggestion beyond a third game mode.
Why not just get rid of vertical/range aiming, so you can still at least have to aim horizontally, to lead the target in AB. That would have kept the essence of having to aim, and there would still be something to do besides be a braindead husk for 30 minutes until requeue. You’d at least have something to do besides spam the mouse button. Because by the way for some reason Secondary Guns are not firing consecutively while holding down the mouse button. I’m sure Japanese players are furious from this on several ships.
Anywho! What a disaster…
Another ridiculous thing I never learned until way late. I did not know you could swap between gun types with Alt+E. I just didn’t understand what it meant, and not all boats have the option to, so it never occurred to me until recently to try it. I spaded all but 2 or 3 Italian coastal boats without knowing this. I spaded all but one French boat without knowing this. So in the case of the RN Gabbiano, I was using the 7 or 8 second main gun reload with the odd angles on the bow and relying on AI for alt guns and prayers. I also assumed the Aux Aim stat took care of these guns, so it again never occurred to me to swap between them.
So as I’m learning Battleships, I’m asking for anybody that remembers, why are main guns and aux guns sharing the same aiming sight when aux guns have entirely different velocity and range and are never on target with the sight indicator? I don’t think the sight changes even if you press Alt+E to change to only Aux guns.
Why not improve the system here instead of push everything to auto-aim?
Why not make a simpler gun swap shortcut like E, and why not give accurate aiming sights for Aux guns separate from main guns? (E because why and how often does someone have to swap between auto target boats/planes, boats, or planes??? Make that default Alt+E.)
For all I care, you could let us aim the main guns, and give this new auto-aim feature to Aux guns. That would have been a fine gradual improvement that I don’t think too many people would complain about.
Don’t get me wrong, the easy lions is great, but it’s not compelling gameplay.
Don’t let people pull that traitorous critic fallacy nonsense. Bunch of fanboys who will blindly cheer on whatever slop is placed in front of them.
There is an option to bind primary and secondary guns, so they will fire together. Of course aiming is ( ahem… WAS) a mess since most of ships have different shell velocity between primary and secondary guns.
But if you prress F3 ad switch to secondary, lead indicator position change and take in account about different shell trajectory.
Consider now these knowledges are completely useless if u play arcade since the snail aim for you.
Imagine they just made the green lead circle auto adjust to a gun that is about to fire immediately when your main caliber stops shooting… Click, adjust, click… Without all this auto-aim nonsense. Nah, too good for the snail =/
That’s a pity, though, as I sank time and money specifically for naval AB (I hate the absence of markers and “go to base for reload” mechanic).
Some players actually take the time to study the controls and binds before jumping into unknown. Just because you didnt know all this stuff for all this time doesnt mean others had the same issue.
The aiming change will help players like you when they start the mode, and thats the reason they changed it.
Nothing is holding you from playing realistic, which is miles better.
the deactivation of the automatic repair etc. happens also to me - mostly by trying to start artillery (in naval) but hitting the wrong button
@Stona_WT @Smin1080p_WT maybe you guys FINALLY have a look at all these Naval AB threads? It’s becoming humorous already
what for? to listen whine of those who can’t handle new system, and won’t want to learn the new one?
To listen to people who don’t like the changes.
You said in the other post you play mostly realistic, I guess when they destry this mode you will ""whine" also!!!
For your info, people IS not havig issue handling the new sistem.
The new sistem is so bad, that’s the main problem.
Can you kindly explain what need to be learned about new system in order to use it?
Let me give you an advice… open google and search “how to click left mouse button”.
Personally, i feel this change like an offence to the naval player intelligence.
If i was a developer, i will consider this kind of gameplay only for a game suitable for 3-5 years old people, surely not for an adult audience with a strong addiction for war machines and naval warfare.
If someone like point and click “realistic battle simulator” go play war thunder mobile, easy and fast, perfect for the modern people era.
totally terrible update for navy, roll back patch Gaijin!
I never said that. And i like new system, on all BRs is much more fun, dynamic and more players in battles.
how to avoid being hit, and how to hit maneuvering targets, cause everyone now can maneuver and shot at the same time just like IRL
for me it looks like you angry cause every one now can ammo rack you on your Battleships much more easy, so you afraid of competition.
how many of them are bots?
Less than before patch
the amount of bots depends from my experience from local time. In europe during nighttime there are many bots necessary to fill the matches - yesterday night I had a match with 4 human players and 12 bots in every team. I don’t expect one day after the update any significant changes - it should take a long-term look to make any statements about any changes on numbers of human players.
This is about naval changes right? Why are the ships tryna hit me from 10 km away?
Like I dont think they even have such range tbf.
Yeah this is another borked change by Gaijin. It was bad before getting pilot sniped by a boat with a single 7.7mm at range of 5km but now its ridiculous.
Well, i’m not the kind of people who says “you do not know me”, but in this case your assumptions are totally wrong.
Feel free to check my cards ad stats if you want, nothing to hide and nothing to explain, specially at people who spoke without respect.
Yes, i’m hangry, but not for the silly reasons you’ve stated.
I’m angry because i deeply love this game mode and now, with this change, i do not like it, at all, no more.
I do not like it because this kind of aiming wiped out all the time, all the effort i put in this game, all the knowledge learned in these years, gone.
I do not like it because i can’t decide where to shoot and make proper corrections.
I do not like it because now i can wipe out carriers at 27km of distance without moving my ship from spawn area, and the same happen for cargo ships too.
I do not like it because now using a plane in naval rb is a waste of time.
I do not like it because sinking a ship is no more a matter of skill.