Constant uptier

Does anybody else noticed a disgusting amount of uptiers lately?

And when I say disgusting I mean it. I played like 25+ battles today and everytime, EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! I got an uptier, ussually full +1.0, sometimes +0.7. This is borderline mathematically impossible!
After hours of suffering I was so angry that I made a decision that I am going to just immediately leave the battle if it was a full uptier. And then the game hit me with a triple combo, 9.3, 10.3, and 5.7 all three of my lineups got a full uptier, and that was the final straw, so I got here to rant.

Did they mess up the match maker? Is this some event grinding “Gaijin special gift” to make us suffer? Did I anger the gods? Am I losing my mind and just tripping? Am I the only one who got cursed?

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I had my first downtier in a very long time the other night, was a pleasant surprise. Now, the aircraft I was in was still totally outclassed even in a full downtier, but it was a nice surprise non-the-less. My experience is ground is not much different. No matter what, its always full uptiers

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Uptiers to me, seem based on the most popular tiers that people play.

So 9.3 is uptiered a lot to 10.3, since there’s simply so many 10.3 vehicles.

7.7/8.0 goes to 8.7 a lot due to the huge 8.7 Soviet lineup.

5.7 goes to 6.7 due to the big 3 all having solid 6.7 lineups etc etc.

10.3 is relatively safe in my eyes, however I have been getting a lot of 11.0 Type 90 spam recently.

9.3 is the most uptiered BR in the game due to premium spam.

Stop playing BRs that get blackholed into a perma uptier its that easy if you play 9.X you’re guaranteed to be thrown into 10.X

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