Constant connection problems over the last week

Please guy, dont answer to the troll, just ignore him.


So, obviously your last engagement was in bad faith and you were being sarcastic…

Well, I wasn’t.

Anyone having this problem on AMD?

So far seems like Southern USA isn’t affected?


You’re the one calling on people to ignore the troll, whilst ignoring everything that the ‘troll’ brought to the table.

All because the information being provided to you, doesn’t suit you…

If you’re coming to an advice section, the least that should be expected is that you’re looking for a solution and you are genuinely going to pay attention.

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Hey just a reminder to all, please keep it civil and respectful towards each other. Take any personal quarrels to PMs.



Well, it’s (probably) not BattleEye. I had a very laggy+high Packet Loss Ground Arcade game, so after the match decided to test it out and turned OFF Battle Eye/Anti Cheat on the launcher. Confirmed it was off by trying to get into a Naval match:

After confirming that Anti Cheat was disabled, I played another Ground Arcade match. About 5 minutes in, got horrible lag and very high packet loss.

I don’t know what is causing this issue, but same as before, my internet is perfectly fine outside of War Thunder.

(Edit: All my games have been on North American servers, the EU servers are very high ping for me, being that I am on the US West Coast. So, I have not tried the EU servers during these lag/PL issues.)


I’m still working with support to identify the issue. There’s been a lot of documentation lately.


I’m jumping in this thread late to also say I’ve been having this issue for weeks with no apparent solution. Different days, different BGs, ground or air, doesn’t matter- every day out of 10-20sih games, 4-6 are network crashed. Not saying this ironically- game is literally unplayable. Wasting time, resources and money, seriously WTF, potato servers.


Been playing on EU as suggested with no problem. Jumped back in to the NA and had a few hiccups but wasn’t as bad as it was previously.

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I wish this was the case, but even when playing on EU servers (I’m from South Africa, have a stable/ reliable 500mb up/down connection. And my mate lives in the Netherlands. We get Packet loss spikes exactly at the same time each game we play together. It’s been super unreliable this morning. Speculating some sort of bug with the new Anti-cheat? But yeah… I’m holding off on playing Air RB until they sort this out. : (


This is very interesting to watch.
The cause is apparently on the side of the potato servers and gaijin, but they are devoting resources to convincing the users.


So what WOULD be actually useful here would be someone who is swearing they have no problems AT ALL on NA to share their tracert as a control so others who can’t play anymore could see where theirs is differing. Probably just the first 5-10 hops from the server end, wouldn’t need to map the whole route to their house or anything. That would actually be a pro-player thing they could do.

Or they could just ramble over and over about how “the Internet is a series of toobs”, either works, I’m sure.


Seems a few did not take note the first time… it is not a good idea to Ignore Moderators…


I’d do that if I could be bothered to find a node that I can ping or tracert to…

But this is clearly bad faith as the fact is by acknowledging that previous point, you then degrade and fuel the complaint about me even commenting?

Why should I help people in any regard if they can’t take on board what’s said in the first instance?

Note I didn’t say anything about anyone specific.

I was just pointing out that, without any controls as I proposed, the problem can remain largely unsolvable. Working the hypothesis this is routing, not server, you need an example of a routing pattern one knows DOES work to differentiate from the ones that do not. A trouble ticket will only have info on the latter. People taking the time to say, THIS tracert has been entirely problem-free ATM can thus also enable both individual and company troubleshooting. o7


There’s only one who says about the tubes… That’s how obvious it was…

Let alone the fact I also state that I’m on the NA server not facing this issue, which you also directly pointed to.

stop responding to him.


Maybe you should ignore those people who were talking trash about me that you had to harp on about when you first came in here, then I’d be in a more sporting mood to actually help you… Not that I would anyway now…

I have the same issue, i keep getting random packet loss % 1-3 times every game depend on the length of it, my wifi is pretty good and the issue doesnt occur in other games i play
Im pretty sure its not happening on my end


Hi guys!

Please provide .clog file and/or screen with visible data (bottom left corner must be readable) so we can check the session.

You can also provide link to server replay Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On

If you got the issue only on NA server, please use this thread: Game on NA server i just unplayable - #22
