Community project: Calculating the Snow Globe drop chances

Well, since Gaijin clearly will not release the drop chances of their gambling boxes and has brought them back another time with the Snow Globe, we’re once again going submitng to calculate them together. I have made a spreadsheet of all the possible items that can be dropped. The spreadsheet does all of the math, so all I need to know is how many of each prize was obtained and the spreadsheet will calculate the average value per drop, the chance of it dropping within its drop category, the overall drop chance, the SL spent, and the net SL change.

Below you can find the spreadsheet with all of the information and the form to submit information to. You can submit information in the form of an image, drawing, spreadsheet, video, or just a tally to the form below. You can also submit your tally in a comment to this post. I have added a new rule this time though: you must submit a full set of drops. I will not accept submissions of single drops (e.g. just a vehicle or just a decal). This is also why I have allowed y’all to submit prize tallies. Single drop submissions skew the data heavily, as seen in the Toolbox drop chance spreadsheet I did where the chance of a vehicle was supposedly around 1.57%, a number that is much higher than reality. So to avoid that, you need to submit a full drop set.

I hope you enjoy this project and I hope we can all get enough data to calculate the Snow Globe’s chances accurately!


Submissions form:


This okay?

(Ignore the tearing, Nvidia on KDE is pain)

Please submit it to the sheet (I can enter it from here, I just like having it all in the sheet)

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Through the form?

would be better if you had a discord.
Make a bot where users would submit their screenshots of their Items tab with the beginning and end of the lootcrate rewards. And get put in a que for someone to manually enter the values.

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Yeah. I entered yours anyway so it actually doesn’t matter for this one, but in the future that’d be nice.


I do have Discord, but I don’t fancy just giving out my Discord on the forums and I do not have the technical knowhow to make that bot.

And I do manually enter the values.

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Y’all also I know I have a bunch of submissions rn, they will go in, I’m just busy for a lot of today so they’ll go into the sheet late in the day

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Hello again fren! Appreciate you as always for the time and effort you put in, cheers!

Lets go, time for gambling

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got the christmas smoke in ~12 globes or so

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Last time I admittedly forgot to track my drops, this time around I’ll try and do so :)

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I guess its around 250 boxes for a vehicel agaim

~4 Million SL


Oh boy, the SL gambling is back. Time to seal club with M4A3 (105) and 10 kill wagers again.

Hey y’all. We’re at almost 500 boxes submitted so thank you all for submitting so many boxes. This is way more day 1 submissions than last time.

From 1500 I got: TIS MA, Merkava Mk.2B, MiG-21PFM, SU-85A, M.B.152C1, and the Leningrad.

First of all, Jealous. Second of all, I would need all 1500 boxes and each of their drops to add them to the sheet.

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Oh you did submit a sheet of 1500. Oh god. I mean, thank you so much, but oh god.

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I know it’s all luck but I’m still sore about grinding out 15 million and still not getting a single vehicle. In any manner, I really appreciate your efforts to calculate the odds, really cool to see someone in the community do this.

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