Commander pops up when using binoculars

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This is a feature that is in Gaijin’s other game Enlisted and was also in Heroes and Generals. This will allow players to kill enemy tank commanders while they’re using their binoculars.
This can make players be more careful/ strategic when using binoculars as they have the ability to lose this feature when their tank commander is killed.
The commander should really pop out of the tank hatch when using binoculars as it just makes sense.

This could likely be a position that can be replaced by Hull Radio operators as the binoculars are a part of the game which is nice to have and the radio operator position is much more of a spare slot in a tank than anything useful.

as a side suggestion to this you could in simulator mode have it so that the commander is out of the hatch when in commander view and when in gunner or driver view they are within the tank. This would make the use of commander sights/ hunter killer modes more useful and add to the overall feel of the game.



more accuracy in game

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GOD damn it!


Broo, Heroes and Generals i miss it so much :(


That would be nice, in addition I would like to see the height adjusted according to it. not like now where you binoculars are like 2 meters above the tank.


I just wanna see it!!!

I think the Commander “pops” in the original post title is similar, but different, to your post…

And using any turret top MG unless it had remote operation (like the M60 or M1).

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This picture is perfect

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I bet one of them activates at least 10x500% boosters

Fine addition! Adds coolness!


I actually really like this idea except for certain things like opentops and the m15 halftrack

m60 dosnt have remote control its just mounted in the cupola AKA the commanders hatch

Where it is fired under armor. Which was the point Capt. Pedantic.

… no the cupola is literally a hatch with a mg mounted to it its literally hand fired by the comander

The cupola is it’s own little turret with T&E controls and a sight. It literally can’t be “hand fired” and by SOP its not supposed to be “hip fired” with the TC sticking his head out to aim.

I think both you and bombay are saying the exact same thing but differently worded

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