I’d love to see one of the returning Monthly Decals be the ‘Sakura’ Emblem of the 7th Sensha Rentai. I missed it the first time around, so a chance to unlock it again would be amazing!
I do have to wonder though - the decals always used to be unlockable with Rank II and above, but now they’re Rank III and above. Is there any chance that could be reverted?
F-22 now???
How exactly can something not be good enough to come to war thunder.
Doesn’t the BR system exist for that exact reason, to balance stuff properly?
Reread what I said. I said the Super Hornet would not be too good to come to the game. That means that its capabilities are well within reason relative to what we already have. Hence why I said it would be worse than the Eurofighter and Rafale.
I never said it cannot come to the game because it’s too bad. What I meant was whether the Super Hornet will be delayed to get better weaponry or not is up to Gaijin.
As it stands, the E/F Hornets are not a major upgrade over what the F/A-18C will be. The F/A-18C will more than likely come with JHMCS, the AN/APG-73, AIM-9Ms, and AIM-120A/Bs. The Super Hornet would come with the exact same loadout and still have a worse TWR while only gaining 2 more missiles and an AESA radar. If it were to come with new missiles like the AIM-9X-1 and the AIM-120C-5 it would be a much better upgrade.
MICA IR tease??
Considering the MICA-IR is in the same league as the IRIS-T and we already got confirmation that that won’t be coming, probably not.
Really disappointed that the recycling just gets another random item. Bad enough that the most useful items, the boosters, have a time limit to activate them. But now when we get the chance to get rid of stuff we don’t enjoy, like orders and wagers which just aren’t fun, it’s just another random dice roll? Just let us select what we wanna recycle it into, I’d settle for getting a random booster over potentially getting another wager or order I’ll never use because they’re just not enjoyable.
This, I wanna get rid of orders and wagers, not get a different one.
Nope, don’t want sl, just want boosters instead of the orders and wagers
I appreciate the QOL improvements, and love the extra information displayed on the muntions statcards like what’s shown for the tandem/heat munitions.
Now to make the plane statcards actually useful instead of having a turn time and climb rate that are completely wrong on most planes. I’d love to see some form of AOA/alpha on statcards too since there are plenty of planes that trade turn rate for high AOA.
If the devs are fine with guesstimating the flight characteristics of the euro canards from air show footage, then surely they can compile HUD and airshow footage out there for these almost 40 year old planes that can be bought by civilians in the U.S. and realize just how badly they’re underperfoming
Plz gaijin ztq-15 🙏🙏🙏
Similar to AIM-9X Blk 2, PL-10, R-74M2 and Python 5
The equivalent to AIM-132 Blk 6, AAM-5B and AIM-2000 (digital interface) but better AIM-9X (Blk 1), AAM-5 and R-74M
Personally, gajin might not problem add AIM-2000 (analog interface) on EF-2000, F-2000A & Gripen C because analog version lack datalink and LOAL capabilities
Good work that send it , in WEB format ;-)
F18 Confirmed
Horse Power for ship cards would be cool too
I really hope we can see longer range SAMs/AA this update and this year I feel like im kinda helpless without trying to research the pantsir
How is an aircraft that will already be really mid at 13.7 going to help cope with the 14.0 EFT/Rafale.
Don’t you worry. The EFT and Rafale will feed on the F/A-18C.
I just saw a video where its bustle autoloader reloads in 4 seconds- and now I’m more interested than ever, hahah.
Apparently, it has the same mobility as ZTZ-99A, which is amazing too.
That being said, it’s a 105mm gun, probably has weak armor (which makes sense, since it’s a Light Tank) and most likely won’t be getting its spall liners, just like every other top tier Chinese tank, so it’s not like it will be broken either.
Regarding China, I’m looking forward more to those new SAMs.
Lmao, F18 isn’t even in the game yet, but people already claim it will be bad
And yet US mains are apparently coping because they can’t compete with the EF and Rafale?
The majority of people are literally saying the F/A-18C will be DoA because it lacks the thrust, top speed, and energy retention to compete.
You simply want to put words in people’s mouth and bash on US mains. Chill out man.