Come on, no fixes to major game bugs like balancing, damage model, penetration calculator, making better and bigger maps.
Same old thing, another coat of paint for a ruined building.
You my friend are an absolute legend!
<3, this is the second time you help me, first with my time zone issue and the thunder cup and now with the wiki!
Thankyou so much, i really appreciate your helpful nature!
Please, please stop “improving” the maps!
This is missing the TNT equivalent for other explosives. (Edit: It isn’t, but the explosive weight and TNT equivalent are in different places for some reason). As well as being unnecessarily large…
This is an improvement from before, but still much worse than old player profiles. On the current player profile, we only have the option to display one aspect of the player achievements. You are now adding “Vehicle Collector”, “Ace of Spades”, and “Medalist”. But a player can only choose one at a time! Not to mention, in the player view, there is a ton of wasted space:
About fragging time!
Onto the other things: are you planning anything that will make the game better? Like better maps, new game modes…?
Or are you just focusing on player profile page for clan recruiters, players who want to find cheaters and narcissists who like to compare their private parts?
@Oxygen_Thief_WT Oxy! You are the man! Thanks again for getting these back and keeping also the achievable requirements in place to have something that doesn’t stress someone out.
Also, great work getting the extra info/background added to the decals. Fascinating to read about them a bit and also know where to approximately place them without having to try and find photos.
Also FINALLY seeing some progress on that RP bug fix!!!
Best regards,
f18 would be very fun. its never going to compete with f15e unless they add the latest super hornet. stop being dumb just to hate on Us mains, its just some extra flavour
MAN i would love that.
mh-60 doesnt have it, ah-1 doesnt have it, eurocopter tiger doesnt have it, mi-28 doesnt have it, rooivalk doesnt have it, z-10 doesnt have it, z-19 doesnt have it, ah-129 doesnt have it. and many others dont have it. just apaches and the ka-52 have electronic blocks
Could it be feasible for the UAV feed to be displayed in another monitor? I feel like having the UAV view on the corner takes up a lot of real state, but even then I look forward to it. And munition interception rewards are awesome, a long waited feature for sure!
Because we went from fairly high detailed to simplistic.
With the works on stat cards and UI, it would be nice to see changes to vehicle stat cards.
Players have lamented for a while now that aircraft statcards are misleading at best and woefully inaccurate at worst.
The Swift F.7 is more than 100 km/h faster than the statcard suggests!
It would be nice if the statcard showed statistics with your currently selected fuel load, and defaulted to being shown with minfuel (or 50%, or something).
Its good you all finally acknowledged that the RP going missing is a bug and not being overshadowed by mods claiming it was a feature. But its a multi year bug finally being recognized? Seriously Gaijin? That mean you are finally gonna fix the XM-1 after you stripped its shell performance then removed it from the game entirely?
On an ultrawide, its ridiculous. So much wasted space.
It’s the Westland Wasp for France via the Netherlands
OH MAN that would be awesome! If we could use an IP address thing like you can with the mini map 😄 And I actually have my second monitor sideways (vertical) so could have the mini map AND UAV up at the same time.
I need to get some use out of my second monitor :P
imagine having your MFD, radar or targeting pod be diplayed in another screen as well.
A similar treatment to unlockable historical skins would also be very fun to see!
Shouldn’t it be TT or is there some similar options
I just hope they’ll fix the Ariete